Thirsty Thursday: The Spontaneous Edition

Hiya, peeps!

Just when you think I’ve gotten some sort of pattern down with my posting, I go and leave you guys hanging this morning. Sorry about that. But honestly? After all my news published on Monday, I was starting to feel a little “written out”. Then I was like, “Fuck! It’s cold outside and I’m seasonal hermiting and no one wants to read about how my days have been filled with going to the gym, eating breakfast all day, and falling asleep while watching Netflix!” Yup, life’s been getting pretty boring lately.

Well, at least it was UNTIL last night!

After spending half the day in the car traveling to visit family, I got a text from a friend begging encouraging me to come out. I figured by the time I made it back in town around 11pm, I’d be an even worse version of my typical zombie self and tried to talk myself out of it, but in the end, I showed up to the bar at 11:24pm and was greeted with this…

Thirsty Thursday - Chocolate Cake Shot

Peer pressure is a bitch wonderful thing! 😉

One of my FAVORITE shots…chocolate cake! Only much prettier than the version I had in St. Louis where our bartender just gave us sugared lemon wedges.

Thirsty Thursday - Scooby Snack

Afterwards, we figured we’d already started the trip down memory lane so we might as well get some Scooby Snacks! And yeah, my drink curdled a bit while I took 327 pictures of it with that decorated bottle of Patron that I was so enamored with. Still tasted good.


Then it was time for a rousing game of See How Much Heather and Her Friends Suck At Pool! It doesn’t even matter that I think I only got like three balls in the entire game, the point is that I WON BITCHES! we had fun! 😉

The rest of the night was SPENT emptying my wallet into the jukebox. Seriously, whoever invented those new digital touchscreen jukeboxes is a freaking genius! This music junky can never seem to stay away. Lol

Thirsty Thursday - Blue Monkey Shot

We ended the night with a LOT of laughs, some dancing (of course!), and one last toast to friendship with some Blue Monkey Shots. I haven’t had one of these since college but omg, it was just as good as I remember…and basically like adult Koolaid!

I just realized that before last night, I hadn’t had a drink since my discount wine and store-bought sushi night. There are things to be said about sleep-inducing sips and there are things to be said about booze-filled nights out with my friends. God, it was just what I needed! Not that I think I need alcohol to unwind. It just felt so good to kick back, check my worries at the door, and pretend that it wasn’t 25°F (-3.8°C) outside. Ha!

When’s the last time you had a drink?

Who else sucks at pool??

Posted in Thirsty Thursday | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

KMB News!

[original source]

Good morning, loves!

I’ve got some news! I’ll keep this short and sweet because there’s a lot of good readin’ to be done, if I do say so myself. I’ve been working behind the scenes here on KMB since the first of the year trying to get some good navigational tabs in place and to FINALLY get my updated “About” section up…after four years, I think it was just a little overdue, don’tcha think? Don’t answer that.

Well, after last week, I really buckled down (read: it was cold outside and I had a lot of time on my hands) and put the last finishing touches on it all…

KMB - New Tabs

Check it OWWWWUT!

Not only did I revamp my About section, but I also added a tab for easy reference to my Intuitive Eating posts.

KMB - New Tab - Intuitive EatingClick on the Intuitive Eating tab for a [somewhat] brief summary of my life since I gave up calorie counting and began my work with intuitive eating. Actually, I’m really proud of how that all came out…it took a lot of writing and REwriting before I felt like I was getting all the words out the right way. If you’re interested in looking through the posts I began writing as I’ve been learning my way through all this (otherwise known as my “Thoughts” posts, just click on The Journey tab!

And then, I musta been butter baby, ’cause I was on a ROLL! I decided to add some tabs for ongoing posts like my Currentlies and Music Mondays and also added something new called the 100 Foods List!

100 Foods List

This is a fun little survey that I found on Facebook years ago listing 100 foods that you should try at least once in your life. When I first took it, I was ashamed to admit I’d barely made a dent in the list of suggestions, but NOW I’m over halfway through the list! Check it out to see where you rank!

Now, I’ll leave you to it.
That’s a lot of reading/clicking to do! 🙂

Posted in 100 Foods to Eat Before You Die, Personal | Tagged | 11 Comments

BawitdaBAR da Bang a Dang CHIPpy CHIPpy…

Ha! Now how’s THAT for a post title? 😉

Oh you know, just some overcompensation for Tuesday. If you don’t get the song reference, I’m sorry, but we can’t be friends. Kidd Rock isn’t my idol or anything, but a few of his hits do highlight the timeline of memories in my life.

So anywho! Let’s get to the point of this post, shall we? After my Foodie Friday post a couple of weeks ago, I got a request for a more detailed review of the GNC goodies I came home with (Hi, Ana!) annnnd, since I treated myself to trip back the other day, I thought it only made sense to share my thoughts…

Foodie Friday - GNC - Bar Sale

Behold, the haul from my last trip. I’ll go ahead and say those PROFIT bars were nothing to write home about (kinda gritty actually) and we all know how well that blueberry Lean Bar went down so let’s just concentrate on the others! Since I’m still WELL set on Quest bars, I refrained from buying up any boxes, but they did have a little buy three, get one free sale going on so I snagged up a few singles!

Combat Bars

Three cookie dough Combat Bars (because sweet caramely goodness makes ma’ heart sing) and one FREE peanut butter that I’m willing to give another chance. It wasn’t as show-stopping as the cookie dough flavor, but I’m not ready to write it off just yet. As far as peanut butter flavored protein bars go, I’ve had a LOT worse. And well, I always prefer to live by my motto, “I’ll try anything once TWICE!” 😉

Chocolate Mint B-Up Bars

Three chocolate mint B Up Bars…the ONLY flavor that proved itself. The texture of these bars is a little like stale marshmallows and even kinda taste like a marshmallow after a trip under the broiler…only less sweet. I wasn’t impressed with the sugar cookie flavor AT ALL…tasted like air. The cinnamon roll wasn’t bad, better heated. But the chocolate mint was great all around and it was one of the best bars I can get in a vending machine, luckily now a days you can find vending machines everywhere thanks to services like Newcastle vending machine service so you will always be capable of find one of these bars around.

Ooey gooey melty goodness!

But wait a minute. Didn’t I say it was a buy three get one free sale? Where’s my freebie?! Well, I confess that I let my little (literally, I wanted to put him in my pocket) GNC dude talk me into another Lean Bar…after shaking away a flashback to the “blueberry muffin candle experience”, I caved. But I think once you see the bar in question, you’ll completely understand why the lack of restraint…

GNC Lean Bar - Birthday Cake

Holy mother of GOD!!!!! 😯

Fucking crack people…CRACK! Screw cake, I’ll take a mountain of these for my next birthday. The only thing missing is the candle [flavor]…ha! Seriously, this was one of those bars that’s not so big, but it takes you to eat it just because you don’t want it to end. I’m actually beating myself up for not buying an entire box. And while I’m shaking my fist in the air and cursing GNC Dude, you can carry your butts to the store, buy these up and then curse me! Lol

And last but not least, how ’bout ‘dem Quest chips?

Foodie Friday - Quest Chips

I will say they did a REALLY good job with the flavors. Surprisingly, the sour cream and onion was my favorite out of the three. I really thought it’d be the cheddar and sour cream since that was always my favorite as a kid. But the thing is, the texture…they’re just weird. Kinda grainy/papery? I know, I get it, they’re healthy, but honestly, I’d rather not have a chip than have a really weird chip…especially at nearly $3 a bag!

Bonus Round…

Detour Simple Salted Caramel Cookie Dough Bar

The lovely peeps over at Detour sent me their brand new NOT EVEN IN STORES YET bar to try and it actually came in the same day I got my GNC goodies. The flavor? Salted.caramel.cookie.dough! I know…shut the front door! While some bites are more salty than others, overall, I absolutely love it. And I’m so glad they sent it to me because I don’t think I would have purchased it on my own. Each bar is 230 calories which is typically bigger than any bar I eat, but since I’ve been waking up with less of an appetite for breakfast lately, it’s the perfect solution!

Disclaimer: The Detour Bar was the ONLY bar that I did not pay for out of my own pocket. None of the companies included in this post even know I’m posting this. Also, I was not compensated in any way for and all opinions are my own and are unbiased.

What foodie finds have you discovered this week?

Are you a Kidd Rock fan? What’s your favorite song?

Posted in Foodie Friday, Product Review | Tagged , , , , , , | 8 Comments