Moonwalking to Portugal

Peoples, up what’s?!

Ok, I know, that miiiiight be a little much for most of you to comprehend on a Monday morning (BAM, alliteration!), baaaaa-ut…well, this weekend got off to such a MARVELOUS start, that I’m pulling out the reverse UNO card! Yep, skip you, back to me, reverse, skip you again, ohhhh look at that, I’m winning! Wait, what was I saying??

*whistles* Awwwwk-ward! *whistles*

Umm, yeah so grab that cup of coffee, or tea, or smoothie, or whatever seems a suitable sip (man, I am ON it today!) and grab some dancing shoes because we’re about to moonwalk our way through the weekend!

Homemade KombuchaIt all ended with me buckling down and finally choosing a flavor for my homemade kombucha! Ha, yeah right! Anyone who knows me, knows that when it comes to decisions, I am NOT the one to look to!

My motto: When in doubt, choose them ALL!

I went with a different flavor for each bottle keeping one plain:
Lavender (hoping to recreate my favorite GT’s blend!), lemon-lime, strawberry-lemonade, strawberry-limeade, strawberry mint, and lemon-mint!

Mom, Tori & Me

But yesterday wasn’t ALL about me…oh no! Tori and I secretly planned another Mission: Mother’s Day Surprise for Broccoli Mama at Work! Flowers, a card, and helping her sign up for Instagram on her NEW SMART PHONE (thanks for one-upping us, DAD!) does a proud mama make! Let’s just pretend that smart phone thing didn’t happen…but it did…because my mom fiiiiiinally joined the 21st century!

Oh, umm…hey mama! 😛

Kori - Sushi

The plan for Mission: MDSFBMAW was well worked out over a plate (or three) of sushi at one of my old favorite restaurants. We shared the Playboy Roll (spicy tuna, krab, and avocado wrapped in soy bean wrap with fried banana on top), the Cowboy Roll (teriyaki steak, avocado, and cream cheese), and the New Ware Roll (shrimp tempura, spicy tuna, and avocado in a soy bean wrap)!

Tori & Me

Of course, before even leaving the house, we had to take a minute for a sister selfie…truth be told, it took FOUR shots before we were both happy! Lol Honestly, I thought I cleaned up pretty nice given the fact that only a few short hours before I was driving over to the bestie’s looking like this…

Crazy Selfie

That moment when you decide to be a total lazy ass save the environment and let the 60mph wind stand in for your hair dryer! 😉

Oh and didja notice all that strawberry action going on up there with the kombucha?


Say hello to my impulse buy on the way home from yoga Saturday! Or should I say, ‘Say hello to the sweetest, most amazing strawberries, I’ve ever (carefully) put in my mouth!’? Thank you farmers for standing in the intermittent rain showers in order to share your bounty with strawberry-crazed Clarksvillians…or maybe that’s just me! 😉

Friday…wait, what happened on Friday? Oh yeah, THIS:

Southern Cooking - Ribs

And ONLY this…REAL southern cooking…out of a to-go container…from a gas station…that was the best damn NINE BUCKS ever spent…since it fed me is STILL FEEDING ME for multiple meals!

And the reason for the low-key day? Recovering from the night before…


Where apparently, if you put a campfire together

Campfire Spread

With all this shit…


You end up taking 17 pictures of a giant sparkler and waking up with melted marshmallow in stuck to the side of your face! Ok, I may be kidding…about ONE of those!

But seriously, I had the greatest time! I went to a friend of a friend’s house and ended up making a NEW friend! What started out as some simple talk about music (since someone mentioned we liked similar stuff) ended up being a night-long iPod library comparison and now we are MUSIC BUDDIES FOR LIFE! Orrrrr maybe that was the booze talking and I’m actually a total stalker! 😉

Portugal.The Man - Evil Friends

But for SERIOUS!

The band – Portugal. The Man

The album – Evil Friends.

Download it NOW and thank me LATER…as in every day from now until the end of your life! It’s been on repeat for the last three days and I can’t get enough! Just don’t make me pick a favorite song! 😉

What did YOU do this weekend?

When’s the last time you held a sparkler?

Posted in MIMM | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

InstaFOOD Friday

Congratulations, you’ve made it to Friday!

Come…join me, the weekend is fine! 😀

So yesterday, I kinda left you guys with a bit of a doozy, didn’t I? After taking a look at my photo library for the last couple of weeks, I noticed I haven’t taken many food pictures lately…and the ones I have taken, I’ve only shared on Instagram. Since I have a bad habit of forgetting that not EVERYONE has access to the best app ever created, I figured today would be a good day for all you squares to catch up on the latest and greatest! 😉

Greek Yogurt with Chocolate

Yesterday’s tease was a dessert breakfast of plain Greek yogurt (it’s under there…somewhere) topped with cinnamon apple chips (which I’m now out of and cursing Amanda for ever having turned me on to them!), coconut chips, CHOCOLATE chips, maple almond butter, and the star of the show…chai-spiked cocoa sauce! All I did was mix this chai latte powder with cocoa powder and a bit of water! Bam!

Kabocha Greek Yogurt & M&M's

Keeping up with the dessert-y (yep, totally making that a word) meals, this bad boy was dinner a couple of weeks ago…steamed kabocha (because I was too impatient to roast it) topped with Greek yogurt, cinnamon, almond butter, annnnnnnnd CAKE BATTER FRICKIN’ M&M’S!!! Oh yes, I went there…and I died…and then I came back to life, took another bite and died again. I am now typing this post from an alternate universe. Wrap your mind around THAT, folks!

Cookie Dough CupcakeWhen I haven’t been using all my energy to resuscitate myself, I’ve been having a full on love affair with my boss…I MEAN WITH HER BAKED GOODS! 😉 Man oh man, you guys, this woman can make a MEAN cupcake…dense yet fluffy cake topped with sweet buttercream icing and chocolate chips with a surprise inside…

Cookie Dough Cupcake - Inside

For the love of all things HOLY, what’s a girl gotta do to get another one of these?! Oh yes, that is most DEFINITELY a lump of creamy, gooey, irresistible COOKIE DOUGH inside that innocent looking cupcake! Seriously…I had a moment…a When Harry Met Sally moment that is! 😉

Avocado & Banana ToastThere’s also been some #strangebutgood action going on…because you guys know I can’t go long without a good dose of weirdness. I’ve introduced you to the avocado/banana combo before, baaaa-UT? Slap that shit on some toast and sprinkle on some Trader Joe’s cocoa coffee grinder (if you have some that you’ve been hoarding for two years like me) and cinnamon and you’ve got yourself a winner winner stranger dinner! 😉

Fajita Nachos

Of course, with all the ups, there has to be at least one let down, right? A friend and I decided to beat the crowds for Cinco de Mayo…so we went on the FIRST! Lol. I had a MAAAAAD craving for some nachos, but unfortunately, Casa Blanca’s fajita nachos left me wanting. Guess I’ll just have to stick with my beloved El Bracero when it comes to Mexican…where I know I can also order a margarita the size of a small child! But damn, would you look at that CHEESE?!

Texas Roadhouse Leftovers

On Cinco de Mayo, I actually went out for American food….but not just any American food…American COMFORT food! I had a bit of time before work, so I met up with a friend at our new Texas Roadhouse. I ordered the grilled chicken with sautéed onions and mushrooms, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a side of veggies. While we chatted and nibbled on some rolls with the most AMAZING cinnamon butter, we kinda lost track of time…we actually ended up waiting nearly 45 minutes for our food! When we mentioned something to the waiter, it sounded like our order got misplaced. Just when we were thinking we were gonna have to leave (so I wouldn’t be late to work), our food came out with a manager saying our meal would be comped! #winning

Plus, I ended up with enough leftovers to make THREE meals! The first two escaped photo-documentation, but I certainly saved the best for last…

Mashed Potatoes with Egg

I’m sorry, you don’t top your mashed potatoes and gravy with a fried egg? Because I most certainly will every time from now to the end of my days! Oh my GAWD! Yeah, totally patting myself on the back, taking a bow, and blowing kisses to my imaginary audience for this combination!

And well, if you guys know me at all, then you HAD to know this was coming…


#yolkporn #drool #slapyomama #peaceoutbitches 😆

What’s the BEST thing you’ve eaten lately?

Any big plans for the weekend?

Posted in Randomness, Restaurant Review, Strange But Good | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 20 Comments

Thinking Out Loud: Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot!

Good morrrrrrrrrrning, Vietnam Blogworld! 

And yes, I’m fairly certain that I’ve aged myself with that greeting, but I don’t really care because it’s Thursday (which is my Friday) and you know what that means…time for another round of Thinking Out Loud!

First and FOREMOST, I want to say a big thank you to each and every one of you who left a comment on last Thursday’s post on Dieting PTSD. Like I said, that was not an easy one to publish but the amount of encouragement, support, and empathy you guys gave leaves me feeling empowered, humbled, and teary-eyed.

Oh my gosh, I love you guys!

Tulip Poplar Flower

You know what else I love? Pretty flowers! Last weekend, I went on another hike…this time on the trails over near my house. You know, the ones I always get lost on? Well, this time I did NOT get lost…exactly. I knew precisely where I was when I came out in the middle of a nearby neighborhood…that was four miles away from home!


Yep, one day I’ll learn, but until then, I’ll just keep losing my direction while picking flowers and stalking adorable little tree frogs! 😉 You guys should know that this pic was taken with my still NEW iPhone on FULL zoom…that little guy was about the size of a quarter!

Fan - Hot

We had some amazing weather last weekend and it has continued on into the week…every day it’s gotten up to at least the high 70’s…and it only took until last night for me to finally realize that the ceiling fans were NOT cutting it and turned on the AC! The deciding factor may or may not have been me sweating while trying to put on my makeup for work…oh yeah, all my ladies know what I’m sayin’!

Homemade KombuchaAs warm as it’s been, you’d think it only would have taken a few days for my homemade kombucha to finish brewing…but at day seven, a taste proved to still be too sweet for my liking. Baaaaaa-UT? At day ELEVEN she’s PERFECT!! Now it’s time to get to flayyyyyyy-voring!

*fist pump*

Another fist pump moment…I’ve been sleeping like an absolute ANGEL! Perhaps it’s because I’ve finally been feeling like myself again after two weeks of being “off”, perhaps it’s because I’ve been busier than a one-armed bandit at work each night, or perHAPS it’s because I’ve come to the realization that if you stack the liquid AND pill forms of Benedryl, you end up in pure slumber BLISS!

Gym Selfie

After a WHOLE MONTH of dedicating all of my sweet sweat time to my yoga mat, last Saturday, I made it to the gym for the first time! Endurance? What’s that?! Five minutes on the elliptical and I was already dripping from head to toe! And I totally went back yesterday for more!

Oh and I had a proud (non-masochistic) moment yesterday! After being kinda how-hum on the veggie front for the last week or so AND being that it is the time of the month where the only color I want to eat is brown CHOCOLATE, how about I ran to store for lemons and came out with…

Veggie Love

Snap peas, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes…and bonus points for not forgetting the lemons! 😉

Greek Yogurt with Chocolate

But don’t you worry, I made sure to balance out all that healthy shit with a bit of “summer” indulgence! 😉


Now hop on over to Spoons and see what everyone else is thinking about today!

Tell me, what’s on your mind this week?

How’s the weather been?

Posted in Randomness, Thinking Out Loud | Tagged , , , , , , | 24 Comments