Ten Things I Love About Spoons

Selfie Spoons 1

1. They make eating soup a HECK of a lot easier…

Oh wait…not THOSE kind of spoons!

Running With SpoonsTHESE kind of Spoons!

You guys may or may not know, but tomorrow, January 4, 2014 is Amanda’s BIRTHDAY! I’m pretty sure she’s turning 18…right? πŸ˜‰ Anywho, Arman, everyone’s favorite blogging boy had the fantastic idea of doing a little birthday celebration for her so a few of us bloggers are getting together to show some love…of the Spoon variety! πŸ˜€

It’s no secret that I’ve had a girl crush on this woman for ohhhh about THREE years now so obviously this post is going to be easy peasy…spoony poony?

Selfie Spoons 2

1. Each and every single one of her posts are entertaining, inspiring, and heart felt. I love the genuineness of her writingΒ and I swear I always feel like I’m sitting across the table from her each and every time I pull up Spoons in my reader.

Β 2. I’ve always admired Amanda’s attitude on balance. On the food front and in life in general. When it comes to healthy eating, both on the blog and off, she has been a HUGE support to me while I’ve worked to heal my unhealthy relationship with food. And try as I might not to compare myself to others, in the blogging world, it can be tough…but she always seems to know when I need a change in perspective. Simply put: We can’t do it all and she reminds me of that from time to time.

Dry Brush

3. Whether it be fun random facts from her Thinking out Loud posts, or the benefits of dry-brushing, it’s rare that a week goes by without me taking away a nice little nugget of information…and now that I finally found a good one, I’m going to start dry brushing next week! πŸ™‚

4. The reviews on products (food related and otherwise) that she shares are ALWAYS trustworthy. I’ve not once had her lead me astray, which sort of explains my next point…


5. SheΒ made me a makeup divaΒ opened my eyes to a world of GOOD makeup!! Seriously, I’m a convert and there is no turning back now! Gone are the days of suffering through cheapo drugstore makeup…I am now addicted to Sephora…

Sephora Makeup Samples

Or mayyyyyybe it’s just all the free samples!

β™«Β I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay BROKE! πŸ˜†

And it doesn’t stop with the makeup and other products…

Amanda's Pumpkin Bread

6. I am pretty leery about trying new recipes…especially baked goods because well, I’m abnormal. I just don’t have the sweet tooth that so many others have so I never know if I should cut the sugar down or not and I hate the thought of wasting ingredients if it doesn’t turn out…but Amanda’s treats (and this Pumpkin Bread in particular) are always perfect!

7. I can’t get enough of her Link Love posts on Sundays…it seriously baffles me how she has the time to find so many great articles. It’s not uncommon for me to have about ten windows up at once! She helped motivate me to spruce up the blog a few months ago and continues to find little gems that I will forever be grateful for!

Peanut Butter Mug Cake with Greek Yogurt, Pomegranate & Jam  www.kissmybroccoliblog.com

8. She is my foodie inspiration! Thanks to her Double Chocolate Mug Cake, I created my own WHOLE EGGΒ cake and yeah, that pretty much sums up what I ate between the months of November and December!

Sweet & Savory Oats9. She’s a secret #strangebutgood lover! πŸ˜‰ She may not be a crazy as me, but this girl knows her quirky combos…this is a bowl of her Sweet & Savory Oats (topped with hummus and blackberry jam) that I made back in 2011!

10. Amanda could make a stick lying in a dim-lit room look breathtaking. She never fails to inspire me with my own photography. Her pictures are definitely a treat for the eyes…whether it be of food, nature, her gorgeous little face!

So…while I could really go on and on, there you have the TOP TEN reasons I love Spoons…and the girl who slurps from them! Now hop on over there and sing her a little birthday tune! πŸ˜€

Do you read Amanda’s blog? What keeps you coming back?

When is YOUR birthday?Β 

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31 Responses to Ten Things I Love About Spoons

  1. YES!! The drybrushing tip was brilliant, it happens daily here!
    Maybe we should found some kind of (stalk)fan-club for this girl.

  2. Love Spoons…. and Amanda of course! I met her this past September at HLS and she is just as sweet and real in person. I’ve told her before, she seriously needs to consider a career in some aspect of journalism or writing, but like you said her photography is also top notch. Happy B-day, Amanda!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I am SO jealous that you got to meet her! I’m really hoping that all works out this year and we end up at the same blogging conference/shindig because I’ve wanted to hug her in person for YEARS!

  3. Love this girl! I adore her chocolate chip pumpkin bread too.

  4. What’s NOT to like about Amanda and her blog?!
    Start dry-brushing TODAY! Trust me it’s so amazing you’ll ask yourself why you haven’t started any earlier. Also, I’m bummed I forgot to mention it [and her amazing photography skills] in my ten reasons because she was the one who got me onto it months ago, too. But then again these ten really are just a fraction of all the things I heart about her. Oh, and yes, another one: we share the same month of birth. My birthday’s on the 29th. Time to think of a birthday cake – I may or may not have started looking up ideas last night while writing my post. A Birthday [cake] is worth risking a lack of sleep, right? Priorities.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      No WAY!! That’s the man-friend’s birthday! πŸ˜€ And um yeah, last I check birthday cake came before sleep…I mean, it only makes sense! Lol

      PS, I love how you and I are only one comment apart from Amanda’s top 5 commenters last year…but I still beat ya! πŸ˜‰

  5. Pingback: . currently – january 2014 . | . running with spoons .

  6. Julia says:

    I love this! Both the ode to spoons and the happy birthday to Amanda! So sweet and hilarious! I need to pay that girl a visit – headed to her site now! Have a great weekend, lady!

  7. Yesss on the dry brushing! That was definitely a fantastic tip from that lady – I’ve been doing it regularly since September/Octoberish and I’ve noticed a big difference in my skin.

  8. You know the crazy ‘hand-fan-the-face’ thing you do when you’re on the verge of getting all misty eyed? TOTALLY doing it right now. Thank you for the sweetest post, lady <3 And I don't know if you remember, but thank you for being the motivation I needed to get back to blogging after disappearing for a year… You were one of the first (and only) people I reached out to, and I can't thank you enough for your support. Love you tones, AND this is the year when we meet. Hopefully Blend will be happening, and if not… road trip!!

    PS – don't even talk to me about brilliant photography! Your pictures are absolutely STUNNING and always inspiring me to work on my own.

    • Both of you are my food photography inspirations! Love you spoons <3

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ahhhhh! Of COURSE I remember, love! And I will never quit telling you how glad I am that you came back to me….er, I mean to BLOGWORLD! πŸ˜‰

      Blend may not be happening this year for me. I hate it, but they’re planning on having it in Utah again and I’m just not sure about spending that much for such a short trip. Do you think you might go to HLS again? Or I think I’ve heard of a few people being interested in Fitblogging?

      PS, I am totally picking up that photography book by Pinch of Yum! πŸ˜€

  9. Amanda does rock! So does your nose ring. πŸ˜‰

  10. Chrystal M. says:

    I’m a lurker at Spoons. I find the writing and the overall colors of her site to be so relaxing and welcoming. I really like the ‘Thinking Outloud” and “Currently” series you guys all participate in. I find so many fun little tidbits. I think I am blogger shy. I have no problem on my own space just writing to my little hearts content, but when it comes to writing a post after lurking for a while, I always wonder….do they think I am a stalker?? Or hey, who is this random person πŸ˜‰

    What a great post Heather!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Awww, don’t be shy!! I used to be the same way before I really got into blogging and then picked it up myself, but now I know how great it feels to see another comment in my inbox…and yours are always so heartfelt! πŸ™‚

      • Chrystal M. says:

        I’ve been blogging since the late 90s, so I am not sure where this shyness comes from. I think because back in the day the blogging platforms had their built in networks. Now we just blog hop and when I find one, I feel like I am intruding sometimes. lol. Weird.

  11. I love Amanda! She is definitely inspiring and so sweet. She always keeps it real! πŸ™‚

  12. Sephora addictions…… she’s good at creating those, huh? Love all of these items – and the dry brushing comment definitely sticks out in my mind as well!

  13. Love Amanda’s blog! I also love your nose ring & super-cute spoon pics! πŸ™‚

  14. Love your post for her! πŸ™‚ And I love reading Amanda’s blog too. I really love spoons because they totally understand my Justin’s maple AB obsession ;).

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! Well, I can totally agree with you on that one! Of all the almond butters out there, that is one of my favorites!

  15. I love Running with Spoons!! Happy birthday Amanda!! Those pictures of you with spoons are so cute! My birthday is September 3rd…better start prepping now! haha πŸ™‚

    Lisa @ The Skinny on Health

  16. Awwr… This post was the cutest! You two are some of my favorite blogs to read. Both of your photography skills are basically perfect, and you’re just so dogone nice!

    Dry brushing— do it! I have my brush sitting on the side of my bed and do it 5-7 nights of the week (the 2 or so where I don’t is when I fall asleep as soon as I lay down. Haha). I mainly just do dry brushing on my tummy for digestion and when I don’t I’m SO much more bloated the next day. Crazy.

    I have the same problem with too many windows open. Both on Bean Bytes, and Amanda’s Link Loves πŸ™‚

    #11 Getting a comment from her is the best. She really reads your posts. I kind of (okay, really!) hate when I get a comment and can just *tell* that someone only read the last questions and not the actual blog. Call me paranoid… But Amanda leaves such heartfelt and REAL comments. Love her.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, I’m right there with you! There’s nothing like a comment that is so completely off that you KNOW they just scrolled through and looked at the pictures! And yes, I love how Amanda’s responses (and her comments) are always so heartfelt!

      I’m so glad I mentioned the dry brushing! I’ve gotten so many comments saying how great it is…I’m even more excited to try it now! πŸ˜€

  17. Lyric says:

    I love Amanda’s outlook on life! I also think she is hilarious and her posts are so down to earth! Her recipes also happen to be the bomb.com and her mug cake is the best I’ve ever had.

    This was a lovely post Heather!

  18. That first picture is adorable. I love all this birthday wish spreading, I missed out so I will just have to spread my own wishes tomorrow. πŸ˜‰ Amanda got me into dry brushing also, I can’t wait to hear how it works for you!

  19. I love all the love for Amanda! so sweet! πŸ™‚

  20. How sweet of y’all to do a dedicated post! I always wonder the same things about her link love! I barely have time to read any blogs these days!

  21. Dry brushing sounds somewhat…R rated. Oh my gee, Heather, look what you’ve done to me. You and Meghan. I can’t go past a single one of your posts without thinking such things.

    Stop underestimating your photography skills or i’ll chuck this protein cake at you I attempted the other day. Trust me, you don’t want that to happen. 1. It tasted like…. whatever you dislike most in the world. 2. I left it on the counter and it turned into a rock…maybe it’s a superhero. Minus the word hero.

  22. Spoons always does have excellent recipes and ideas for new make up to try!

  23. What a lovely post about an equally as wonderful blogger. I’m pretty sure you and Amanda both have the market cornered on beautiful photos; food or otherwise. Seriously, I love both you ladies and always feel at home reading your blogs.

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