What uhhhhhhp? 😉
I hope you guys liked my little survey post on Tuesday. I forgot how much fun it is to answer those things! Now it’s time for me to ask YOU some questions: How’s your week going? Good? Can you believe it’s Thursday already? Where’s the year going? Next thing you know, it’ll be Christmas…and we all know how true that statement is. In the meantime, how about we back it up a bit and take a look at some snap-worthy moments from the last couple of weeks?
I bet my convoluted mind can make them all connect!
I’d like everyone to meet The Nuts. Oh, get your mind outta the gutter! There are little squirrel ears present! I couldn’t contain my excitement when I stumbled over this mug (that obviously was made for me!) at the store on Halloween night…and once I spotted those teensy weensy salt and pepper shakers, I was a goner!
In other shopping adventures, I looked like a dog getting yanked at the end of his leash when I caught sight of this book the other day. Trouble is, I DIDN’T buy it and now I’m having the opposite of buyers remorse.
What do you think? Should I go back and get it?
What I DID walk out of the store with was this little trio! I told you guys I had developed a coffee creamer addiction! I still have half of two bottles left from my last surge of impulse buying. But seriously, HOW could I turn these down? I haven’t tried them just yet, but I’m hoping for pure and udder deliciousness!
Ha, get it? ‘Cause cream comes from cows? Â
The impulse buying is only worse online. I try to do most of my Christmas shopping online each year because I abhor long lines and stupid people sucking up all my oxygen and oh look, I found something to buy for myself! I got this bluetooth shower speaker from Open Sky last week and it’s so freaking AWESOME!
Now I just need to shatterproof my mirror! 😉
After taking a look at the manual, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud over the warnings listed in the beginning. Naked flames? As opposed to those who are fully clothed? Obviously I had to harass my fellow Snapchatters with these pics. I may be a bit too proud of my artistic rendition of The Embarrassed Ember. 😉
Speaking of smoking hot things…whaaaaaat? 😯
I just had to document my straight hair on Tuesday before jumping in the shower and allowing the curls to take over again. I got a wild hair Sunday night and decided to straighten it…only took TWENTY MINUTES! Hence the reason it will probably be another six months before I do it again. Sorry, but I’m a lazy, instant gratification kinda gal.
Which is why I will always be a fan of breakfast (specifically scrambled eggs) when in an all out state of hanger. I finally broke into “my precious” cheese a couple of weeks ago with some crackers. It was a little underwhelming…but let me tell you! So much better when heated up! I threw a few bits into my scrambled eggs which I dumped on top of my last (*gasp) pumpkin spice English muffin, and drizzled it all with a bit of honey!
Yum yum in my tum tum!
Yes, I’m a dork.
I’m also forgetful. I posted last week’s ToL while I was a little distracted and totally spaced on my music of the week. Am I the only one who has a hard time multitasking? I swear I can’t even have the radio on when I’m typing up a post or I’ll end up typing the words to the song over and over again. Or what I think are the words…ha! Anywho, in case you missed it in yesterday’s post…
Glass Animals are coming to Nashville in THREE WEEKS!
Seriously guys, I am beyond excited! And I swear I’ve never been to as many concerts in my life as I have in the last six months! After you finish swaying to this beat, Be sure to check out Spoons for all the other Thursday randomness!
Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
I hope to have my done by the end of the month!
OHHHHH! Speaking of the holidays, I almost forgot to tell you guys that Jamie (the woman responsible for slapping some sense into me last year) is hosting another FREE holiday challenge this year! It starts November 24 and will last TWO WEEKS. The focus is on “flowing through the holidays with ease, beauty and confidence” which sounds pretty damn amazing, doesn’t it? Let’s all team up and get through the stress of the holidays like the princesses (or princes) we are! 😀

Go back and get the cheese book. Seriously, it’s cheese! The world should revolve around cheese… And wine!
Oh and love your nuts! 🙂
Haha! I like the way you think! Come on over…we’ll clink our wine glasses after every page turn…and if you’re lucky, I’ll let you see my nuts! 😆
haha i’m instant gratification with my hair too – hence why I can never actually be bothered to do anything with it! It’s a good day if I do something besides brush it and add dry shampoo.
Ahhhh! Thanks for reminding me to pick up some more dry shampoo this weekend! Love that stuff!
I started Christmas shopping last month and I’m almost done! I have lists of things to purchase gradually but I’m almost done! Yay!
Woo HOO! Go girlie! Now come see me and we’ll celebrate with Ethiopian! lol
Haha I’m totally the opposite when it comes to my hair!!..and makeup for that matter. I spend at least 15 minutes on it everyday, most days more. I have this thing that I need to look perfect when I get out my door…it’s an issue at times since I run late constantly.
I’m kind of upset about the Christmas shopping thing because I actually physically can’t Christmas shop this year since I have a broken ankle…and the crutches totally get in the way or carrying a single thing…including my purse to buy these presents…looks like I’m shopping online!
Oh my gosh, girl! What did you DO?! Believe me, I know how UNfun hobbling around on crutches can be…I had that joy after my knee surgery! But honestly, shopping online is SOOOO much better anyway! After doing it one year, I was hooked! The world at my clicker finger! *insert evil laugh here* 😉
And you totally get a pass on the hair and makeup! I mean, it is like your JOB and all…you’re a walking advertisement for what you do so you gotta look good! 🙂
Everytime you start to talk about christmas, I have to think about that Facebook post and comment chat between you, your sister and your mom regarding the unicorn and the pony. Seriously, this will be in my head for all time!! I laughed so hard.
And so did I about that naked flame. Oh my LAWD, I really want to adopt you and have you in my circle of friends – we all share this silly hilarious humour.
Your hair – I can straighten it for you at Blend! I do it almost daily and it takes not even 10 minutes. You look hot, btw.
Awww, Luuuuuuuucie!! You just made me smile like THIS BIG!!! And you know, I still have my little pony perched on top of my tv in the living room! 😉 And consider me penciled into your Blend schedule! Omg, I’m getting a vision of a late night all-out girlie bash! Hair…and makeup…and WIIIIIIINE!! 😀
Naked Flames would be a bad ass band name!
Oh HELLS yeah!
Aaaand I forgot what I was going to say. Oh yeah! It’s funny because I have ridiculously straight hair that I would -kill- to get some wave into… I’d put more effort into doing it, buuuuut it lasts for all of 10 minutes before it’s straight again. Seriously. NOTHING will make my hair behave. And those are the times I think about chopping it all off and going for a pixie…
The funny thing about my hair…even though it’s naturally wavy/curly, if I CURL it, it falls flat in 2 hours tops! The only time I’ve been able to keep tight curls is after having a profession spray about a gallon of hairspray in it! Haha!
Hmmm, ya know, I could totally see you rocking a pixie! 🙂
Nice hair lady! I’m so lazy when it comes to my hair too. I usually just brush my fingers through it after I shower and let it do its thing. Which often means weird half frizzy waves. 😛
I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet, but I have most of my ideas down on paper (and by paper I mean a secret Pinterest board). I think most of the items can be bought online too – score!
Well look at you, whipping out the secret Pinterest boards! Now I know you mean business! Lol
I want to carry those little bitty squirrels around in my pocket. THEY’RE SO CUTE.
I can’t believe you bought a bluetooth shower radio or whatever the hell that is. That’s the kind of stuff that I see on infomercials and think, “who actually buys shit like this?” Heather. Heather does. In your defense, though, not everyone is graced with a singing voice as enchanting as mine. Just kidding, I suck. And I’m really just jealous of your shower radio.
And yes, go back and get the cheese book. Or just go get some actual cheese. Whatever.
Or go back and get the cheese book AND some cheese! Bam! Now get yo ass over here and bring some wine!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go hop in the shower, turn up my brand new shower radio, and rock out with my squirrels! Don’t worry…I’ve got tiny blindfolds so as not to disgrace their little darling eyes. 😉
I’m not even sure what to say. You left the cheese book and bought coffee creamers and weird ceramic squirrels. Um, please tell me you at least bought some cheese.
I picked up a brick of gouda and asiago yesterday and both are almost gone. Actually, they’re nicely shredded and sitting in the fridge waiting for me to add them to soup or biscuits. Both are in the works in the Clean Eats kitchen today. You should come over. Bring the squirrels and the shower speaker. Wink, wink. 😉
Hahaha! Omg, girl, you crack me up! I’m afraid to disappoint you, but I umm, did in fact leave the store without any cheese. BUT I did get some bomb-diggity (do people still say that? Whatevs, I’m saying it.) havarti and sharp white cheddar from the deli counter the other day. It was the first time I’d ever had havarti without dill. Of course neither could hold a candle to some soup or biscuits shared with you, my dear! Was that cheesy enough for ya? I promise I’m not just trying to butter you up since I’m like a month late responding to this comment. 😉
eeeek! i’m catching up on blogs from like the last 4 weeks! love your hair! i know how you feel about straightening it once every 6 months. i usually only straighten it during the winter months, and even then, its like once or twice a month. curls are just so EASY, yet unpredictable! hahah
Haha! Yes, on the unpredictability…I never really know if I’m gonna have a “flat curls day” or an “afro woman” day! Lol
Ps, I LOVE your curls so much! 🙂
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