Is It Hot In Here or Is It Just Me?

Hey, hey, haaaaaaay!

Warning: Pure, unadulterated, get-yo-granny-out-of-the-room food porn coming your way in…


Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup - 1

Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup - 3

Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup - 5Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup - 4

Happy Pancake Sunday, friends!

A few weeks ago, I asked what fruits you guys were loving on this winter. While it sounded like MOST of you were on the cutie train along with me, ONE person chimed in with something different…

Lucie, this beer’s pear’s for you! 😉

Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup - 8

As I bebopped (which Meghan would totally approve of) around my kitchen, collecting my ingredients, thinking of the flavors I wanted to PEAR (tee hee) with my fresh winter fruit, I caught a glimpse of my crazy bed-head in the microwave door and I had it…


But not just any dried-up, bottled-up, collecting-dust-in-the-cabinet-since-gingerbread-making-season-is-over ginger, oh no…I went for straight for the fresh stuff and I’m SO glad I did!

Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup - 7

As they cooked up, the warm aroma of the fresh ginger mixed with the sweet pear got me drooling in seconds.

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The photo session was pure agony.

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It was everything I could do to get those last and final shots. I was on my knees and just begging for my soul for a bite!

And when that bite FINALLY came?

Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup - 11

Well, let’s just say I had quite a bit of sound effects to go along with my collection of
food porn. 😉 BUT since I know you guys ONLY read the articles, how about I hand over that recipe now, huh?

Ginger Pear Pancakes with Warm Maple Pecan Syrup

 By: Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10-12 minutes

Keywords: fry breakfast high protein high fiber low-sodium ginger pears Pancake Sunday

Ingredients (Serves 1)

    Ginger Pear Pancakes

    • 1/3 cup rolled oats, ground into flour
    • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (30g scoop)
    • 1 Tablespoon coconut flour
    • 1/2 teaspoon sodium-free baking powder
    • 1 large egg white
    • 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    • 1/2 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
    • 1 medium pear, chopped

    Warm Maple Pecan Syrup

    • 2 Tablespoons maple syrup
    • 1 Tablespoon finely chopped pecans
    • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)


    Ginger Pear Pancakes

    1. Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat and coat with cooking spray.
    2. To a medium-sized bowl, add flours, protein powder, and baking powder and stir to combine.
    3. In a separate bowl, whisk egg white until frothy.
    4. Combine milk and fresh ginger with the egg white.
    5. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir just until flour is incorporated.
    6. Fold in 1/2 of the chopped pear (about 1/3-1/2 cup).
    7. Spoon batter onto skillet, form/spread 3 small-medium sized pancakes (batter will be thick), and cook 5-6 minutes per side.
    8. Top with the other half of pear and drizzle with warm maple pecan syrup.

    Warm Maple Pecan Syrup

    1. Combine syrup, chopped nuts, and cinnamon (if using).
    2. Microwave for 5-10 seconds.

    Powered by Recipage

    Nutrition facts for pancakes only using this protein powder:

    Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup Nutrition Facts

    No need to hide this one under your mattress, I’m pretty sure your mom
    would approve! 😉

    Ginger Pear Pancakes with Maple Pecan Syrup - TITLE

    But don’t just take my word for it…go make these NOW!

    What is your favorite kind of pear?
    For me, it’s a toss-up between D’Anjous and Reds!

    Posted in Breakfast, Pancake Sunday | Tagged , , , , , , | 46 Comments

    What’s Up {Peanut} Butter Cup?

    Hello my loves!

    So, remember that drool-tastic foodporn shot I teased you with the other day?

    Oh, well, in case you’ve forgotten…

    Peanut Butter Cup TeaseJust TRY to tell me you don’t want to dive headfirst fork-first …no, I had it right the first time…HEADFIRST into that!

    Now just keep that in mind while I explain the details…because ya know, it’s Friday, and around here, Fridays tend to get a little straaaaaaaaaaaaaange!

    Strange But Good S2TT

    But ALWAYS in a GOOD way…you just gotta trust us! Hmm, that’s funny, I just got an image of the snake from the Jungle Book in my head! 😉

    ♫ Trust in meeeeeee! ♫

    So…any guesses as to what’s in the #strangebutgood dish that I concocted this week? Here, allow me to introduce you to the players:

    Peanut flour (or butter)
    Greek yogurt
    and SPINACH?!

    But I promise you’d never even GUESS that last one’s in there!

    Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 6

    Because I swear to you this OMELETTE tastes just like CAKE!

    Now I know there are plenty of you out there who just can’t seem to wrap your heads around the concept of sweet eggs, but you really just have to

    ♫ Trust in meeeeeee! ♫

    Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 1

    Don’t think of it as an omelette…

    Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 5

    But more as a really…thick…chocolate-y cake CREPE!

    Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 4

    OOZING with peanut buttery goodness!

    Peanut Butter Cup Omelette

    by Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

    Prep Time: 3 minutes

    Cook Time: 5-6 minutes

    Keywords: fry breakfast high protein eggs peanut flour peanut butter cocoa powder

    Ingredients (Serves 1)

    • 1 large egg OR 2 large egg whites
    • 1 cup packed, fresh spinach (optional)
    • 2 Tbsp unsweetened almond milk
    • 1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (I like Hershey’s Special Dark)
    • 10 drops vanilla stevia
    • 1/3 cup fat-free vanilla Greek yogurt (I like Chobani)
    • 2 Tbsp peanut flour OR 1 Tbsp creamy peanut butter
    • banana, creamy peanut butter, and cacao nibs for topping


    1. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat and coat liberally with cooking spray.
    2. In a small blender or food processor, combine egg, spinach, milk, cocoa, and sweetener and blend until smooth.
    3. Pour mixture into skillet and roll pan around so that the mixture climbs about 1 inch up the sides of the pan.
    4. Reduce temperature to medium, cover and, cook until set (5-6 minutes).
    5. Meanwhile, whisk together yogurt and peanut flour (or peanut butter) in a small bowl.
    6. Remove from heat, transfer to a plate, spread with peanut butter yogurt and fold over.
    7. Top with sliced banana, a drizzle of creamy peanut butter and cacao nibs.

    Powered by Recipage

    Nutrition facts using one WHOLE egg and peanut flour:

    Screen shot 2013-01-29 at 2.47.52 AM

    Hmm, dessert for breakfast with over TWENTY grams of protein? I’ll take it!

    Now if I’ve managed to tempt your curiosity slash made you drool enough so that you’ll actually try this, but you’re like, “Whoa Heather! Really? Spinach?”…just

    ♫ Trust in meeeeeee! ♫

    Because once I lifted the lid to that skillet, the sweet Pavlovian smell of freshly baked chocolate cake had me even forgetting it was in there in the first place!

    Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 3

    I mean seriously, I was drooling all over myself as I (painstakingly) assembled and took 3985 pictures of this thing!

    And just when I knew I had the perfect shots I couldn’t take it anymore, the camera disappeared, the fork appeared, annnnnnnnd?

    Peanut Butter Cup Omelette  - 7

    Well, um, yeah…ya know 😉

    Peanut Butter Cup Omelette - TITLE

    PUH-LEEEEEEEASE tell me you’ll make this!

    Have you ever tried sweet eggs/omelettes before? If not, are you convinced now?

    And since I seriously CANNOT get that song out of my head, what’s your favorite Disney movie?
    Beauty and the Beast will always be my favorite since I grew up a total bookworm!

    Posted in Breakfast, Gluten-free, Strange But Good | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 51 Comments

    Leapin’ Liebster!

    Lookie lookie, I got an award! 😀

    Liebster Award

    But don’t let it fool ya…I’m a bad blogger.

    You see, over the past few months, this fun little prize has been making its way around blogworld and I have been nominated not one, not two…but NINE TIMES!

    See? Told ya…bad blogger!

    The rules:
    Write 11 random facts about yourself
    Answer 11 questions given by the person who nominated you
    Ask 11 questions for your nominees
    Nominate 11 people for the award and mention them in your post

    As much as I’d love to follow all the rules, that would just be too mammoth of a post to bore you guys with. So I figured I’d just be a little rebel and make my own rules it up as I went along…

    So since my tree is STILL up (#noshame), how about I start with the nominations that were given around Christmas? And in honor of my lucky number, I’ll answer 7 of each 11 questions:

    First up, from Renee at Fit for Motherhood:

    1. What is your favorite breakfast?

    Pancake CollageOk, that one’s easy…PANCAKES!

    2. Do you prefer to workout at home or at the gym?
    I used to go on and on about how you don’t need a gym membership to get a
    good workout at home, but I have to confess that since I joined the Y, I don’t really have as much motivation to do anything at home…unless I’m cleaning…that counts right? 😉

    3. What would your last meal be?
    Ohhh, that’s a toughie…how many courses are we talking here? Because if it’s my LAST meal, then I better damn sure get more than one!

    Let’s see…I think I’d like to start out with some Ethiopian finger foods and a couple of Scotch eggs…for my main course, I’d like a slice of pizza the size of my face COVERED with cheese and all my favorite toppings…and as far as dessert, there will be NO holding me back at the self-serve fro-yo shop…bring on the SPRINKLES!

    4. What is your favorite Christmas/holiday tradition?
    My family doesn’t really have many holiday traditions but we ALWAYS get to open one gift on Christmas Eve and we ALWAYS know what it will be…

    Christmas PJ'sChristmas pajamas!

    5. Do you own any pets?


    Yep yep! My little love muffin (Tiger) has been with me for over SEVEN years now!

    6. If you could be anything in the world what would it be?
    A superhero…who could fly…and save people with healing pancakes! Hey, you DID said ANYTHING! 😉

    7. What made you decide to start blogging?
    I started blogging only a few months after I discovered food blogs. I was seeing all these girls posting pictures of creative food combinations and recipes and all of a sudden I had so much motivation to just jump in the kitchen and do the same! Once I realized that I actually COULD cook (I had only really dabbled before and NEVER strayed from a recipe), I had so many ideas that I couldn’t wait to share!

    Next up, from Nikki at The Road to Less Cake:

    1. What is your favourite Christmas movie?

    Christmas Story [Extended] - Front (Large)


    A Christmas Story…always has been…always will be!

    2. What did you want to be when you “grew up”?
    Well, for the longest time I wanted to be a teacher…then I realized that I hated kids (not all kids, just other people’s ;)) so I changed my mind and decided I was going to be a veterinarian…until I got a chance to job shadow at a vet clinic in high school and almost passed out during a cat spay! Oops?

    3. What is your favourite book?
    Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

    4. Would you rather go to the movies or sit in with a DVD?
    I’m definitely a DVD kind of girl…I like to curl up on the couch with my blanket…movie theaters are just TOO cold!

    5. What is your favourite work out/form of exercise?

    Weight Lifting

    Pumping IRRRRRRRRON!

    6. What is your job/what are you studying?
    I work nights as a CAT scan technologist at the hospital here in town…

    cat-scan-ur-doin-it-wrongYou know, I get paid to scan cats all day! 😉

    7. What is your favourite fruit and favourite vegetable?

    Persimmon & Kabocha

    And finally, from Kyra at Scribbles and Sprinkles:

    1. What is your most hated food ever?
    Greasy fast food…and I have (tummy) proof that it hates me too!

    2. Favourite music genre?
    Music Collage
    I really like listening to a wide variety of music, but I guess most of my iTunes library is filled with alternative and punk.

    3. Are you a morning or a night person?
    Night…kind of a requirement when you lead a zombie life!

    4. If you were to give a pep talk to your 13-year-old self, what would you say?
    It gets better…it gets SOOOOO much better! I promise you will EVENTUALLY get boobs… you will not ALWAYS be a foot taller than all the boys…and dance to the MACARENA all you want…because it will never be socially acceptable (unless your drunk) later!

    5. How many languages do you speak?
    1.257658768 (muy poquito Espanol) 😉

    6. What makes Christmas Christmas?

    Christmas Memories 2012Being with family…sharing memories…and bonding in our collective craziness.

    7. What do you see yourself doing in five years?
    Well, I hope that maybe can have a little not-of-the-furball-kind family started…and HOPEFULLY I will have discovered a way to quit my job and do nothing but cook and blog all day long! 😉

    Whew, that was LONG but FUN!

    Stay tuned for two more installments in the (hopefully) near future!

    What would YOU tell your 13 year old self?

    What would YOUR last meal be?

    Posted in Randomness, Survey/Tag | Tagged , , , , | 22 Comments