Ten Things I Love About Spoons

Selfie Spoons 1

1. They make eating soup a HECK of a lot easier…

Oh wait…not THOSE kind of spoons!

Running With SpoonsTHESE kind of Spoons!

You guys may or may not know, but tomorrow, January 4, 2014 is Amanda’s BIRTHDAY! I’m pretty sure she’s turning 18…right? 😉 Anywho, Arman, everyone’s favorite blogging boy had the fantastic idea of doing a little birthday celebration for her so a few of us bloggers are getting together to show some love…of the Spoon variety! 😀

It’s no secret that I’ve had a girl crush on this woman for ohhhh about THREE years now so obviously this post is going to be easy peasy…spoony poony?

Selfie Spoons 2

1. Each and every single one of her posts are entertaining, inspiring, and heart felt. I love the genuineness of her writing and I swear I always feel like I’m sitting across the table from her each and every time I pull up Spoons in my reader.

 2. I’ve always admired Amanda’s attitude on balance. On the food front and in life in general. When it comes to healthy eating, both on the blog and off, she has been a HUGE support to me while I’ve worked to heal my unhealthy relationship with food. And try as I might not to compare myself to others, in the blogging world, it can be tough…but she always seems to know when I need a change in perspective. Simply put: We can’t do it all and she reminds me of that from time to time.

Dry Brush

3. Whether it be fun random facts from her Thinking out Loud posts, or the benefits of dry-brushing, it’s rare that a week goes by without me taking away a nice little nugget of information…and now that I finally found a good one, I’m going to start dry brushing next week! 🙂

4. The reviews on products (food related and otherwise) that she shares are ALWAYS trustworthy. I’ve not once had her lead me astray, which sort of explains my next point…


5. She made me a makeup diva opened my eyes to a world of GOOD makeup!! Seriously, I’m a convert and there is no turning back now! Gone are the days of suffering through cheapo drugstore makeup…I am now addicted to Sephora…

Sephora Makeup Samples

Or mayyyyyybe it’s just all the free samples!

♫ I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay BROKE! 😆

And it doesn’t stop with the makeup and other products…

Amanda's Pumpkin Bread

6. I am pretty leery about trying new recipes…especially baked goods because well, I’m abnormal. I just don’t have the sweet tooth that so many others have so I never know if I should cut the sugar down or not and I hate the thought of wasting ingredients if it doesn’t turn out…but Amanda’s treats (and this Pumpkin Bread in particular) are always perfect!

7. I can’t get enough of her Link Love posts on Sundays…it seriously baffles me how she has the time to find so many great articles. It’s not uncommon for me to have about ten windows up at once! She helped motivate me to spruce up the blog a few months ago and continues to find little gems that I will forever be grateful for!

Peanut Butter Mug Cake with Greek Yogurt, Pomegranate & Jam  www.kissmybroccoliblog.com

8. She is my foodie inspiration! Thanks to her Double Chocolate Mug Cake, I created my own WHOLE EGG cake and yeah, that pretty much sums up what I ate between the months of November and December!

Sweet & Savory Oats9. She’s a secret #strangebutgood lover! 😉 She may not be a crazy as me, but this girl knows her quirky combos…this is a bowl of her Sweet & Savory Oats (topped with hummus and blackberry jam) that I made back in 2011!

10. Amanda could make a stick lying in a dim-lit room look breathtaking. She never fails to inspire me with my own photography. Her pictures are definitely a treat for the eyes…whether it be of food, nature, her gorgeous little face!

So…while I could really go on and on, there you have the TOP TEN reasons I love Spoons…and the girl who slurps from them! Now hop on over there and sing her a little birthday tune! 😀

Do you read Amanda’s blog? What keeps you coming back?

When is YOUR birthday? 

Posted in Link Love, Randomness | Tagged , , , , , , | 31 Comments

If I Were a Superhero…


I would wear a mask so no one would know my true identity.

Herbal Sleep

Or see the dark circles under my eyes since I’m obviously immune to medicinally herbally(?) induced comas.


My costume would be constructed from unexpected fabrics…you know, since I’m not using them for SLEEP!

Cereal & Peanut Flour

And my power source would come from a heavy supply of carbs and peanut flour…
and Quest Bars…and caffeine…lots and lots of caffeine!

Black Thumb

I could save the world from any possible botanical domination…

Dead Basil

Because obviously I have a black belt thumb in plant annihilation.

I could save people from a life of materialism…

Snowman Plate

Because my innate ability to break things knows no bounds…
or love for precious snowman plates. 🙁

I could end world hunger…

Nothing beats the balance of this bowl...healthy fats, plant-based proteins, and ZERO sugar! Start your year off RIGHT with this Detox Quinoa Salad from www.kissmybroccoliblog.com!

Starting with yesterday’s Detox Quinoa Salad…and also take a moment to tell you guys that it got RAVE reviews from everybody at work the other night!

Or I could ditch all that, totally lose my train of thought, and start thinking about how cool it would be to own a mini giraffe…

Mini Giraffe

[original source]

I blame this interruption of thoughts on the fact that it’s 2am and I’m still awake! disturbing observation of two giraffes fighting on the Animal Planet the other day…I swear I always just thought of them as being such peaceful creatures…haven’t been able to get it out of my head since! Obviously my mini one would be too cute to have such a violent temperament. 😉


Yeah, so if this insomnia-motivated post isn’t a contender for Amanda’s linkup of randomness, I don’t know WHAT is! 😯

Edited to add: Out of complete desperation, I took a Benedryl at 3:30am and woke up at noon today…thank you sweet baby Jesus!

If you were a superhero, what would your semi-practical superpower be?

Who knows where I can get a mini giraffe? 

Posted in Randomness, Thinking Out Loud | Tagged , , , , | 25 Comments

Detox Quinoa Salad

Happy New Year!!

I hope you all had a great time celebrating last night…or holding your eyelids open with toothpicks until midnight…whichever is your thing! I rang in the 2014 within the confines of lead-lined hospital walls, but fear NOT…no matter how many drunks made their way in, come dinnertime, I was partying it up with this delicious POWER-PACKED bowl!

Nothing beats the balance of this bowl...healthy fats, plant-based proteins, and ZERO sugar! Start your year off RIGHT with this Detox Quinoa Salad from www.kissmybroccoliblog.com!

Is it normal to dream about food? Because I seriously have not been able to get this salad out of my head for nearly TWO WEEKS!

It all started when the man-friend and I went to Istanbul Cafe for dinner and had the best frickin’ tabbouleh I’ve ever had in my life…along with the creamiest of hummi! 😉 I wasted NO time and hit up the international market on my way home that weekend to grab up a bunch of fresh parsley!

Start the year off RIGHT with this delicious Detox Quinoa Salad from www.kissmybroccoliblog.com!

Then it was the week of Christmas and instead of staying home and making all my foodie dreams come true, I just HAD to join the crazed masses and get those last little gifts that I knew would spoil my family rotten.

Light and fresh but oh so FILLING! Just what your body needs after heavy holiday eating! Detox Quinoa Salad from www.kissmybroccoliblog.com

Please, St. Nick, take note of my incredible selflessness! 😀

Looking for inspiration to clean up your diet after the holidays Well look no further, this superfood salad is guaranteed to get your new year off to a fresh and HEALTHY start! Detox Quinoa Salad from www.kissmybroccoliblog.com

Can I just say it’s a GOOD thing parsley has a good shelf fridge life?! Because it wasn’t until YESTERDAY afternoon that I was finally able to get my booty in the kitchen to make some magic happen!

Light and fresh SUPERFOOD Salad! Detox Quinoa Salad from www.kissmybroccoliblog.com! The perfect meal to get you back on track after the holidays!

What started in my head as quinoa tabbouleh inspired by Laura’s version back in August quickly transformed into a quinoa salad after MORE inspiration hit me from all the Christmas-colored salads I’ve been tossing up lately…

Detox Quinoa Salad...A power-packed bowl of superfoods to help get your new year off to a fresh and HEALTHY start! www.kissmybroccoliblog.com

And I have to say I’m pretty darn proud of it!

Bursting with the light and fresh flavors of parsley, mint, and lemon with an incredible contrast of textures…

Detox Quinoa Salad via www.kissmybroccoliblog.com

Smooth and creamy avocado, crunchy cucumber, juicy pomegranate…and with the last-minute idea to throw some chickpeas in there, this is one satisfying salad!

Dare I call it…SALACIOUS? 😉

Detox Quinoa Salad

By: Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes plus chill time

Keywords: boil entrée salad side gluten-free dairy-free high-fiber high-protein sugar-free vegan vegetarian quinoa avocado pomegranates

Ingredients (Serves 4-6 as entrée, 8 as side)

  • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa (approximately 1 cup cooked)
  • 1 cups water
  • 1 15oz. can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 1 cup diced English cucumber
  • 1 cup pomegranate arils
  • 1 medium-sized avocado, diced
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/3 cup chopped fresh mint
  • 2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • Juice from one lemon
  • Salt & pepper to taste


1. In a medium-sized sauce pan, bring 1 cup of water to boil over high heat.
2. Add quinoa, cover, and reduce to simmer.
3. Allow to cook for 15 minutes.
4. Remove from heat, fluff with a fork, and set aside.
5. Once quinoa has cooled slightly, combine it with the chickpeas, avocado, cucumber, pomegranate, and herbs in a large bowl and stir well.
6. In a separate bowl, whisk together oil, vinegar, and lemon juice and then drizzle over salad.
7. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
8. Serve chilled or at room temperature.
9. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

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Healthy fats, plant-based proteins, and ZERO sugar! Start your year off RIGHT with this hearty bowl of superfoods from www.kissmybroccoliblog.com!

With the heavy eating of the holidays behind us, a big bowl of superfoods is the perfect way to get your new year off to a fresh and healthy start! So what are you waiting for? That parsley’s not gonna chop itself! 😉

What are THREE of your favorite superfoods?

Posted in Entree, Recipe | Tagged , , , , | 45 Comments