Missing My Marvelousness

Hey guys!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are getting your Monday off to a good start today. I got a (much-needed) change of pace this weekend where I found myself with a completely EMPTY and commitment-FREE Friday…

Wanna know what I did with most of the day?

Of course you do! πŸ˜‰

Ok, well…first, I started the day off with…

Cinnamon Latte


Milk Frother Action Shot Latte Action Homemade Latte

Yep, it only took meΒ TWO WEEKSΒ to finally break open my new IKEA milk frother! And Kat was definitely right…best 2 bucks spent EVER!

Frothy Spoonful

No foam goes to waste! πŸ˜‰

And while I was in the fridge for the almond milk, I made sure to stop, admire (and take pictures of) the result of the previous night’s adventure in insomnia…FridgePlease tell me I’m not the only person who’s totally overhauled the fridge at midnight!?!

I had to make room for all the kombucha, my never-ending collection of mustard, and oh yeah, I got a little visit from the Chobani fairy last week (just pretend you don’t see that Fage container, mmmkay?)…

ChobaniX TWO!

The company graciously sent me a case of their two new flavors AND I also won a giveaway on facebook…so now I have 24 containers of yogurt spilling out of my fridge strategically stacked in Tetris fashion. πŸ˜‰

Then I fixed breakfast…something OTHER than pancakes for a change!

Toast & Jam Yogurt & Chocolate

Toast with the last of my peach honey I’ve been hoarding for MONTHS and a side of plain Greek yogurt topped with Healthy Chocolate Sauce and raw pepitas.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my pancakes, but lately, I’ve been working on 2 recipes a week (recipe tweaking and photo shooting)Β in order to get them readyΒ in time for posting on Sundays, and to tell you the truth, sometimes I just want something SIMPLE!

After breakfast I did something I’ve been wanting to do for SOME time now…


I cuddled up with this guy and…

Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 3.26.05 AMCaught up with some of my favorite bloggers! πŸ˜€

Then my ADD kicked in and the next thing I know…

Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 3.37.12 AMI pinned the super cool graphic on Brittany’s blog for seasonal produce which reminded me that I needed to…

Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 3.40.18 AMPin my #strangebutgood BBQ Stir Fry recipe which reminded me of…

Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 3.42.06 AM

My daunting list of recipes that STILL needs to be converted to…

Screen shot 2013-02-25 at 1.41.49 AMMy RECIpage!…which is now featuring lots of…brown food??

Yep, I FINALLY tackled it and got TEN whole recipes transferred over! πŸ˜€

Of course, then my ADD kicked in again. I found myself wandering down memory lane as I went through some of my old posts and realizing there’s a lot of things I miss…


Oats in any way, shape or form…

Trying Blogger Recipes

Reading blogs, getting inspired, and trying new recipes…


Being active (without knee pain…which is now BACK), spending time with family & friends, taking pictures, relaxing…

Silly HeatherTalking about life, making you guys laugh, and otherwise sharing my marvelousness! πŸ˜‰

I seem to have found myself in a bit of a funk lately, but I’m determined to find my way out…to find my way back to ME!

I LOVE sharing recipes with you guys and I have a TON of ideas, but there just isn’t enough time in the day week for me to do all that I want to do. I’m not quite sure what this means…or what direction I need to take to get more balance, but these things have just been on my mind lately and I wanted to share.

What do YOU do to maintain balance in life?

What are you missing right now?

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62 Responses to Missing My Marvelousness

  1. Love the recipage! When I’m visiting my brother/when he visits, he always wants me to make your pancakes… He loves them! It always goes something like, “Could you make those broccoli pancakes for breakfast tomorrow?” Ha!

    And I love the collages – esp the last one with the faces πŸ˜‰

    Right now I’m missing running, but I have to take a break from it because I am soo burnt out from it. Instead, I’m doing other things like spinning and… ok just spinning. But it’s a good change, and hopefully absence will make the heart grow fonder and I’ll return a better runner!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Awww!! You seriously just MADE my day, Shreya! I’m literally grinning from ear to ear right now! πŸ˜€

      And good for you for knowing when to step away for a while…I know it can be hard but sometimes a little break is all we need to remind us how much we enjoy it! I miss running too (I was HUGE into running a year ago), but I just don’t think it’s in the cards for me anymore…plus, I really think I like lifting more! Makes me feel like a beast! Haha!

  2. Lucie says:

    Oh hunnie can I please come round and give you the biggest hug ever??? I can SO relate on the funk thing, for me it is derinitely the grey in grey weather which drives me crazy – and all that snow nd cold, buh!! Please please never ever put a bloggkng pressure on yourself. We are your fans and we love you no matter how often or what you post. Just do whatever makes you feel good! Need suggestions? Ok. Ask Lucie if she could send you a parcel full of Swiss deicioucy (she needs your address though). Meet the man friend and tell him to give you a back massage. Shop online or in real. Make more Latte’s with that perfect Ikea thing. Watch SATC with a blanket and the said Latte on your couch. Keep up, spring is near and you’re not alone!! xxxx

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Lucie, Lucie, LUCIE…my dear sweet friend…if you only knew how much your words just touched my heart! Wrap your arms around yourself RIGHT NOW and give yourself a hug for me! I was literally sitting here with tears in my eyes before I even made it all the way through your comment. And seriously, those are the BEST suggestions EVER! I know a great deal of my “funkiness” has to do with the weather…so glad I’m not the only one affected so much by the lack of sunlight these days! But like you said, spring is right around the corner! I actually couldn’t help but smile when I drove by a big patch of daffodils the other day! πŸ™‚

      Love you!! xoxoxo

  3. Sorry about your funk. We all have these moments though & somehow, we overcome them. There are so many things I want to do with my blog too, but between homework, school, & life, it just isn’t happening. So much I’d love to write about though. *sigh* I just try to take it one day at a time…

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I know, right? Life can get so FULL sometimes that I wonder how in the world I used to go to school full time, work full time, study, AND manage to have somewhat of a social life when I was in college…I swear I couldn’t do it all now! Too bad we can’t secretly make an extra day in the week that work and school don’t know about…I’d spend the WHOLE day in my PJ’s catching up on everything I had to miss during the week! πŸ™‚

  4. Lucie says:

    Sorry for all the typos!! F*** iPhone lol lol

  5. The funk is no good! I demand you be de-Funked immediately!

    That fridge full of deliciousness should make you smile a little. I’m in the same boat with my Recipage updating. I need to take a whole day and get it done. But them you start looking at the old ones and realizing you also need to update the page and then I just get overwhelmed!!! Breathe. Deep breaths.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I do the SAME thing! Hence the reason why it has taken me so long to get what I HAVE got up! And oh lord, some of the pictures I took?! I’m not gonna lie, I plan on “forgetting” to update the ugliest ones! RECIpage…survival of the fittest prettiest recipe! πŸ˜‰

      • lindsay says:

        have you seen my page? it might make you feel better. haha. It’s still attached to my old blog from 2009. Yep, i am bad and don’t have time to update it. I get overwhelmed. and then the funkifiedness begins. You my dear could slap a recipe on a post it and we’d be there to make it! no worries
        now, send me some kombucha please.


        • kissmybroccoli says:

          You are TOO sweet, Linds! Thank you! And it’s good to know I’m not the only one who gets overwhelmed by these things! Love you!

  6. Oh my GAWD, that latte looks AMAZING! You just convinced me I need a milk brother, the quicker the better! I can relate to the “funk”, I’m blaming it on Ol’ Man Winter! Spring is on the horizon, hang in there πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      That is the ONE thing I’ve been thinking of non-stop lately…SPRING! I just noticed the other day that there was still a bit of daylight out at 5pm! And I may or may not have done a little shimmy shake of the booty once I realized that DST is only a few more weeks away! πŸ˜‰

      And YES everyone needs a milk frother! Omg, it’s so much fun!!

  7. Haha! You’re post just reminded me of my son’s favorite book right now, if you give a Mouse a Cookie. It’s full of, “he did this which reminded him to do this…”
    I’ve been in funks like that before and maintaining balance in my life has been a constant struggle. Especially with a toddler! For me, getting up an hour earlier and switching my exercise time has helped. I now dedicate that hour to blogging and find I can focus more therefore get a more done πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Aww, I love that book! It was one of my little sister’s favorites when she was little!

      I can only IMAGINE the difficulties of trying to maintain balance with a little one running around…especially since most of us women always manage to put everyone else ahead of ourselves! Good for you for finding a schedule that allows you to do more. Since I work nights, I don’t have as many options, but I’ve been trying a few different things lately and just yesterday it felt like I had a bit more time during the day…I think I might be onto something! πŸ™‚

  8. Wow your fridge looks chocka block full of stuff! Yumm!
    I really want to have a go at making my own lattes; it looks like so much fun and has been far too long since I’ve had one..I’m thinking at least 4+ months!! :O

  9. Boo for funks and hope you can shake it quickly! I’ve definitely felt funky myself lately – dang tummy troubles – but it’s always reassuring to know that it’s just a phase and it will soon pass… I bet a fridge full of *Cho many tasty eats helps a bit πŸ˜‰

    P.S. Fabulous collages – you’re too cute!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thanks love! I’m hoping most of it will pass soon…daylight savings time is JUST around the corner! I am quite literally bowing to the sun gods at this very moment! I swear one of these days I’m going to move somewhere where they have two kinds of weather forecasts…sunny and partly sunny! πŸ˜‰

  10. Julie says:

    I’m Googling “Ikea milk frother.” I may need to go buy one after work today!

  11. Foaaaaaaaaammmmmm…. Err wha? Sorry… got distracted for a moment there :mrgreen:

    And I’m definitely feeling you on the funk thing. For me, I think it’s partly due to it being this time of the year and me missing the sun and warm weather, so I’m hoping that my upcoming trip to Hawaii will help solve that. But I’ve also kind of been struggling to find my blogging voice and figure out what direction I want to go in with it, which is kind of why I’ve been spending more time away until I figure things out. At the end of the day, I think it helps not to put too much pressure on yourself to blog a certain way or post a certain thing… just go with the flow and see where it takes you.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh girl, with your coffee addiction, you would be head over heels for this little gem…and Starbucks would be missing one of their most loyal customers! πŸ˜‰

      Thank you so much for the advice! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one feeling a bit off. The weather is a BIG thing for me too, but I think I have also let myself get to a point where I feel “obligated” to post certain things…guess this is my inner rebel trying to break out of that. Now I just gotta focus on turning my “funk” into a “flow”! πŸ˜‰

  12. katie says:

    I just wish we lived closer, we could go have a girls night and kick that funk out! You are beautiful, amazing, funny, and you better get out of this funk!!!! You are too awesome to be in a funk for long! We all get into funks, but we just have to kick them out right away!

    Just see the positive, as you have in this post! Love you pancake queen and always here if you need to chat! You are so sweet and hope you know how awesome you are! <3

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Aww, Katie! Thank you SO much! I swear you always know exactly what to say to make me smile! I consider myself TRULY blessed to have you as a friend! Love you SO much!!

  13. Ugh, definitely feeling you on the winter funk thing. Thank god it’s almost March so hopefully we’ll start seeing some warmer weather!

    And trying to figure what direction to go with your blog – yup, I’ve had the same questions for myself lately. It’s hard to figure out exactly where you want to go with it, but without letting it take over the rest of your life. My blog is important to me, but so is…umm…living. Not on the internet.

    I’m sure you’ll get it figured out!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Amen! It’s not been TOO cold around here (for most people anyway…I could practically LIVE inside my electric blanket) but the rain and gloomy weather has been around for what seems like forever! Just the other day, the sun came out for a few hours and I could swear I felt so much lighter! Crazy how dependent our moods we can be on the weather!

      And those are my thoughts EXACTLY! The blog is a big part of who I am…and I love it, but sometimes I can get sucked in and get the whole “tunnel vision” thing and lose my sense of how life and blogging all fits together. I definitely want to live to blog, not blog to live! I just have so many ideas right now…gotta try to figure out which way to go with them all!

  14. purelytwins says:

    finding balance can be hard, we are still working on that for ourselves too. we have so many ideas and just can’t seem to find enough time, never enough πŸ˜‰
    we need to update our recipe page too, it is getting out of control hehe

  15. I feel you, I’ve been going through all of these same things this winter :(. Nearly through it though!

    I love that IKEA milk frother – best $2 I ever spent!!

  16. Isn’t that Ikea milk frother the greatest thing ever!?!

    And I totally know how you feel about being in a funk – I was in a major funk last semester when I was stressed, school had taken over my life, and I never saw my friends anymore. But I realized that if I wasn’t happy, I had the power to change. And so do you! So if you feel like recipe developing and blogging are taking over your life, don’t put so much pressure on yourself girl! We’ll still love you all the same. You deserve to live the life you want to live!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you so much, Chelsea! I remember feeling your stress come through in your posts when you were going through all of that. I’m so glad that you’ve been able to get a bit of “normalcy” back in your life. It’s really weird…I mean, I have SO many ideas for recipes and posts and I really love being in the kitchen and coming up with new stuff, but at the same time, I just want to fix a big bowl of yogurt and call it a meal! It’d be so much easier if I had a hobby that didn’t involve food…there are only so many meals you can eat in a day! Lol

  17. I see me!! πŸ˜‰ I’ve kinda been in a funk too… and I don’t know what to do about it. I know Blend will help, but that is to far away. I hate that you are having knee pain. Maybe a girls weekend needs to happen??? πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh, yes yes YESSSSSSS! Blend IS too far away and I would LOVE to see you! No more “wishing”…we totally need to make this happen!

  18. Robyn :) says:

    I started a healthy eating challenge today so I am finding inspiration here as always.

    I have knee pain also and am supposed to be getting some physical therapy for it. I have also been in a funk lately, but I am pretty sure it is due to not having caffeine for awhile. Plus I was sick for a few days and it left me with some intense anxiety and lingering depression. Not fun stuff!! I made sure I did some stuff I enjoyed like scrapbooking and found a good book to read to keep my spirits up. And I went out with my husband Saturday night. I am feeling better now and looking forward to stuff again and also feeling kind of productive.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh girl, I feel ya…when my knee was at it’s absolute worst, I started having some serious depression. I was just SO tired of hurting all the time and having to modify nearly every thing I did because of my limited mobility. I’m sorry to hear you were having a tough time, but it sounds like you did exactly what your body needed to get back on track! And it’s always nice to feel that since of motivation again after a time of feeling low!

      What kind of challenge are you doing?

  19. Oh Boo!! Funk is never good unless you’re at a George Clinton concert.
    Maybe you need a couple of unplugged days or maybe you should let go and curse up a blue streak in your next post. It could be exciting.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, I seriously just about choked on my water when I read that last part! “It could be exciting” <-Bahaha! I'll umm...keep that in mind! πŸ˜‰

  20. Jessie says:

    Love the recipe page. This will definitely come in handy when I’m visiting the family in the States & need to whip up one hell of a pancake breakfast feast for them πŸ™‚ What would I ever do without youuu??!!

  21. Dear funk, please back out of Heather’s life again STAT! I’m sorry you’ve been feeling wonky lately, Heather :(. If finding balance means posting less often or even taking a little vacation from blogging: Just do it. Writing and recipe creating should be fun not an additional pile of work.

    Oh, also, you totally had me finally – don’t ask … it’s been longer than two weeks – try my own milk frother. Foamed hazelnut milk – a non-coffee drinkers dream :D.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      MP, you have seriously touched my heart! Thank you SO much! I know most of the stress that I feel I’ve only put on myself…thank you dad for giving me your perfectionism gene…and I know I don’t NEED permission to change things, but it still means a lot to me to know I have your support. And honestly, “Writing and recipe creating should be fun not an additional pile of work.” <- I couldn't have said it better myself! Yay for frothy foamy FILBERT milk! Ohh, you liked that didn't you? πŸ˜‰ I actually made a hazelnut chai latte today before coming into work...LOVE Twinning's hazelnut chai, but frothy milk just takes it to a whole new level! πŸ˜€

  22. Aparna B. says:

    I adore you πŸ™‚ I always rearrange my fridge and REB looks at me all weird when I do. BUT IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Your recipage is full of deliciousness!!!! Sounds like you’ve been having a good couple of days! <3

  23. I get the funk but mine is hormone & age related! πŸ˜‰ BUT YES, balance is important so you need to do what is right for you & that is really all that matters…. I hope you put time aside to figure that out…. it can be tough to walk away from somethings but don’t view as a failure, view as a way to make you & your life healthier! πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      “It can be tough to walk away from somethings but don’t view as a failure, view as a way to make you & your life healthier!” <- Wow, Jody! Just WOW! That is SO true, but you have no idea how much it just resonated with me! Thank you so much for your support and your kind words! xoxo

      • I am glad I could help! I hope you figure out what is best for you.. sometimes it just makes life so much better to walk away for a bit…. you get renewed.. don’t spread yourself so thin so you can enjoy the journey! πŸ™‚ Hugs!

  24. Hahaha I love you! You are too hilarious. I feel like everytime I read your posts, I just get so energized! Love it. Anyway, love that your fridge is all stacked up, I love that feeling! But then I feel like I still wanna go grocery shopping but I have to battle with myself because I have all that I need. I’m just a weirdo that likes grocery shopping, sigh. But then lately, this hasn’t been the case since it’s so damn cold out. I want Spring already, please.


    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Aww, Kammie! You just made my day! Sometimes I wonder how my energy comes through in my words…probably why I litter most every post with a ton of emoticons! Lol And I TOTALLY get you on the grocery shopping thing! I just can’t help myself…even when my fridge is full! The ONLY thing that is keeping me from buying more stuff now is that I KNOW I have absolutely NO WHERE to put it! Lol

      Spring…THREE weeks…count down starts NOW!!! πŸ˜€

  25. Hey girl…just this weekend I was chatting with two great friends over lunch. Neither are bloggers, but are occasional blog readers or relatively avid IG-ers.

    I kept saying how EXHAUSTED I was. How I just feel tired. Tired of a lot of things–commitments, work, blogging, keeping up with companies who are gracious enough to send me products, figuring out when to post about what, wondering if I should just go ahead and eat my yogurt or if it would probably be a better idea to IG it so I get a little thank you shout out in…

    So I feel you. Totally.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      You seriously you said everything I’ve been thinking lately! I STILL have my review to do for P28 Bread…from the package they sent me LAST SUMMER! And just the other day, i stumbled across the box of NuNaturals products that I’m supposed to be trying…the only thing I’ve managed to try so far is the liquid drops (the only thing in the box that doesn’t require much thought/planning/tweaking when it comes to recipes). The thing is…I’ve created most of the stress I feel! I put too much on my plate and then get upset with myself when I end up with a “tummyache” Gah, I wish you lived closer so we could have a night where we drowned our worries with good wine and homemade vegan cookies! πŸ˜‰

      Love you! Miss you! Seriously, May CANNOT come soon enough!

      PS, LOVE the comment marathon! You seriously just made the last hour here at work go by like nothing! …um, not that I’m blogging when I should be working or anything! πŸ˜‰

  26. Carrie says:

    My milk frother is one of the most useful little gadgets in my kitchen. I mainly use it for hot cocoa – it’s great for whipping cocoa powder into the hot milk and beating out the lumps. I’ve even used it to aerate red wine!

  27. Look at you, Miss Productive! I need to make a Recipage (and I need to stalk yours).
    And I also need a frother…
    I’m sorry you’re in a funk. I definitely can get into them myself sometimes. I think the best way out is to SCHEDULE some fun time- plan things ahead (even if you think you don’t want to do them) and even try something new.
    I’m missing YOU and my other Blends. May can’t come soon enough!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh, I seriously LOVE having my Recipage…it’s amazing how many recipes can get lost/forgotten about! It’s great to have all the organization/categories done for you!

      And I really should schedule in some fun. Lately, just the thought of putting more on the “to-do” list has seemed daunting, but it might end up being just what I need! Thanks girlie! πŸ™‚

  28. This is my life! NO BALANCE!!! It drives me crazy. I have so many things that I want to share and do on my site (actually a new site that I can’t see to ever get launched)! UGH! I’m sorry you’re in a funk. That is never good my friend. Keep your chin up and hopefully you will find you soon. It may be behind the tetris yogurts. πŸ˜‰

    I hope you’re having a good week! xoxo

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh wow, a new site?! That’s awesome girlie! And you may feel like you don’t have balance, but from what I read/see, you are like Super Mom! I mean, training all those clients, helping the hubs with his stuff, preparing meals, AND finding the time to bake?! I seriously need to get me some Sarena skills! πŸ˜‰

  29. Pingback: Waffle Wednesday |

  30. Pingback: Currently: February |

  31. Pingback: Marvelous Cat Hair-Covered Yoga Pants |

  32. Calee says:

    you so talked me into getting a milk frother. if we had an ikea anywhere near here, I’d be broke.

    hope your knee surgery goes ok once you get it rescheduled and all! who double books a β€” er TWO β€” surgeries?

  33. Kaylin says:

    Hello there! I have been interested in also receiving free samples of Chobani yogurt by mail. I read A LOT of food and nutrition blogs (I’m a dietetics student in college) and I was just wondering how exactly people get selected to receive these free samples from Chobani or other “healthy” food companies? Thank you!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Hi there Kaylin! I’ve been working with Chobani since I met some of the people from the company at a blogging retreat last summer. A lot of companies chose to work with certain bloggers as a means of “free” advertising for their products. Before I got into blogging, occasionally, I would stumble upon brands that I really wanted to try but either a.) couldn’t afford/justify paying a high price in case I didn’t like the product or b.) couldn’t find it in my area. I emailed a couple of the companies and explained how much I really wanted to try their product and sometimes they would offer to send me a sample or a coupon for the item. That of course is not always the case, BUT it never hurts to ask, right? πŸ˜‰

      • Kaylin says:

        Thank you for letting me know! Just always been very curious. πŸ™‚ I had stumbled across your blog a couple months ago, and I must say it is one of my favorites. I enjoy reading your posts each day and getting more ideas myself about trying new recipes and such. My favorite hobby is to take a recipe and tweak it to make it a bit healthier and more nutritious and still delicious food! Thanks again for your reply and I look forward to reading much more of Kiss My Broccoli. πŸ™‚

        • kissmybroccoli says:

          You are VERY welcome! And thank YOU so much for reading! Blogging really would be for nothing if I didn’t have anyone to share it with…I mean, I crack MYSELF up all the time, but there’s only so much of me that I can stand sometimes! πŸ˜‰ And that is exactly how I got lured into blogworld! I was always very curious in “healthifying” recipes and once I learned a little to form a little base of cooking knowledge for myself, I really began to take off! Who knows, perhaps you’ll have a food blog one day and I’ll be drooling over YOUR recipes! πŸ˜€

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