Moving Forward By Going Back

It’s been over a week now since the 21 Day Intuitive Eating challenge ended.

I changed a LOT in 21 days.


No really…I’d venture to say I’ve changed clothes at least 9307 times!

Because I had a jumpstart into my intuitive eating journey, I was worried that I would be too “advanced” to really get anything out of the program, but I was totally wrong. Honestly, in the first month that I was doing things on my own, I had a lot of revelations, but it wasn’t until I read those first few emails and really got to know the other girls participating via the Facebook page, that I really started making progress.

It helped so much to see I wasn’t alone.

Since then, I finally feel in touch with my body I know what I’m craving. I know what hunger/satiety feels like. I know I can trust myself not to “lose control” when it comes to food. I know that if I overeat, it’s not the end of the world and that my body will provide the balance I need, but I also know that if I WANT to overeat, because maybe it’s one of the best damn meals of my life, that I don’t have to restrict/punish myself afterwards.

It’s just FOOD!

Food Collage

Whether it be colorful veggies, sugary cereal, or M&M’s mixed with perfectly salty trail mix!

While I’ve been on my journey in intuitive eating journey, I’ve noticed something. Under all the food rules and restriction…under the anxiety and needless guilt…

It really has NOTHING to do with food!

Of course it took the act of peeling back the layers to see that. Not many of you know this, but I used to be married. I was divorced three years ago. It was a terrible time in my life that was stretched out over one LONG year and a half. I couldn’t handle all the emotions I was faced with. The stress was too much. I flirted with an eating disorder
(a post for another day). I lost a LOT of weight.

And I also lost myself.

I actually started blogging as a way to find myself. For years I had been the daughter, the sister, the girlfriend, the wife…always putting others needs before my own…but I had never been just Heather. Hell, if you had asked me back then what kind of hobbies I had, you would have been met with nothing but the sound of crickets chirping.

Of course, what started as a passion for food, cooking, and fitness actually developed into a means of hiding from the “real” world…hiding from my feelings…pretending my troubles didn’t exist. Whenever I felt emotions that were uncomfortable, I would push them away or deny I had them at all. I never realized during those late nights where I felt compelled to finish off an entire box of cereal, that with each handful, all I was doing was ignoring my life.

Not everything in life is rainbows and unicorns.


Or unicorn entrails…

You can’t deny your feelings. You can’t deny yourself. It’s part of who you are. Part of being an adult is facing the bad shit that comes around. You can’t ignore your problems away. They don’t go away. They just get bigger and hold you back. For THREE years, I’ve allowed my unfelt feelings to keep me from finding joy in life.

So what happens now?

Now I move forward…by going backward. After our final phone conversation of the challenge, I decided to sign up for three months of coaching with Jamie which starts today. I’ve known I needed to seek a counselor for sometime now….to have someone ask me questions I can’t ask myself and to help me finally face my fears, FEEL my feelings, and move on.

Starting today, I find the girl I used to be ME!

What are you passionate about? What brings you JOY?

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What I Ate From the Big Bad Buffet


Such an innocent-sounding word. Yet for years this is how I saw it…

Buffet Definition Paint

Restaurants, family get-togethers, holiday parties…I could never manage restraint. I would literally stuff myself until I was sick. On days where I knew we were having a potluck at work, I would actually bring in a bottle of antacids because I KNEW I would need them.

It wasn’t a matter of “getting my monies worth”…oh no, more like sensory overload meets the most indecisive person in the world!!!

Must Eat All The Food Meme

But not anymore. After nearly two months into my intuitive eating journey, this past weekend, I decided it was time to test myself…at a buffet!*

*Sounds like a bold and confident statement, but let me assure you, my knees were knockin’ walking into this place.

The man-friend and I were out, shopping till we were dropping it like it’s hot when out of nowhere when…

BAM!! hunger strikes!

And I’m not talking any kind of hunger, I’m talking the we’re-going-to-start-gnawing-on-each-other’s-arms-and-no-that’s-not-a-sexual-innuendo kind of way. 😉

But where to go? I couldn’t stand the thought of sitting and waiting 30 minutes for food to be brought to a table and I really wasn’t feeling any of the fast food joints, but there just HAPPENED to be a Chinese buffet in the TJ Maxx shopping center (no comment) and it just HAPPENED to be one of my favorite buffet restaurants BEFORE I started banning myself from such establishments.

First I said yes.

It was the smart thing to do. It was in the same shopping center. It was quick. It was decently priced.

Then I said no.

I might be TOO hungry. What if, in my ravenous state, I lost control? What if I didn’t notice the small child in my big ass bowl of wonton soup and ate them TOO?!

Then I said fuck it.

As I approached the wolf WALL of food, all of a sudden, my foodie fears seemed so ridiculous. Instead of the overwhelming sight of a hundred different food combinations that I just HAD to try, I zeroed in on certain things…some new-to-me items and some of my favorites….and within minutes, I started making my choices.

Chinese Buffet Plate 1

The grapes were a little waxy-tasting, but I enjoyed my shrimp and the cucumber salad and then decided to save the melon, if I wanted it, for later.

Chinese Buffet Plate 2Besides the chicken and broccoli that tasted so bad I spit it out in my napkin, this plate was pure HEAVEN! The pork stuffed mushrooms have always been a favorite of mine and let me just say, if you top them with a roasted potato, it’s like… ohmyyyyfrickinlaaaaaaawd!

I may have even parted with one mushroom just to prove that fact to the man-friend! 😉

And even though there was a bar FULL of dessert bars, cookies, and ice cream, my leftover melon was JUST what I wanted to end my meal on a “sweet” note.

Fortune Cookie

Because I may be one of the only weirdos out there who doesn’t care for fortune cookies.


Do fortunes come true if you don’t actually eat the cookie?

Guess it doesn’t really matter since I got gypped with the one on top…wtf kind of fortune is that anyway?!

Even though there were a few items I would have liked to try, I left the restaurant that night feeling happy with the choices that I made. In the past, I think most of the overeating was due to my “self-fulfilling prophesy” way of thinking. I knew I would overate, I knew I would leave feeling miserable (both physically and mentally), and I knew I would not allow myself to go back after that. Funny how deprivation, even if it only in my mind, could have so much influence.

But that is NOT my way of thinking anymore. I left that buffet feeling proud, feeling empowered, feeling…

Breakfast Buffet

Like I could do it AGAIN the very next morning!

Let it be known that there are few things in this world better than fresh buttery biscuits!

What are your thoughts on buffets? Do you feel like you “can’t be trusted”? If so, why do you think that is?

Be sure to hop on over to Peas & Crayons to check out all the delicious-looking linkups for our favorite weekly food party! 🙂

Posted in What I Ate Wednesday | Tagged , | 61 Comments

Shop, Eat, Repeat!

Hey Hey Hey!

Happy Monday party peoples!


When I started thinking about what I did last week so I could share with Meghan’s
Week in Review linkup, I noticed a little trend…


TJ Maxx Dress

The man-friend seriously is as obsessed with TJ Maxx as I am! But this time, instead of making a bee-line for the food stuffs (we did that later of course) he had other plans…he bought me a dress to wear to Blend! 😀

Calypso Cafe

My FIRST Caribbean food experience at Calypso Cafe…and it was ahhhhmazing!
I ordered the mustard greens (Heaven), spiced sweet potatoes, black beans, and coconut cornbread muffins (I DIE!) while the man-friend went with the pulled BBQ chicken, rice, and beans.


Peanut Butter & Animal Crackers

Store brands are where’s it’s AT! Especially when you can find peanut butter jars the size of your face and animal alphabet CRACKERS (not cookies) that don’t have any sketchy ingredients!

Peanut Butter & Coconut Muffin

C’mon, I know I’m not the only one who plays with my food! Peanut butter with animal alphabet crackers and a Nicole’s blueberry surprise muffin topped with coconut yogurt “frosting”


Cereal & VeggiesDid somebody say sale?! It’s not my fault…Melissa made me do it! Plus, weekly bulk purchases from Sam’s…think I got enough greens? 😉

Breakfast Wrap Cereal & KabochaStrange eats midweek: Cranberry Goat Cheese Wrap and Quaker Oatmeal Squares topped with cold roasted kabocha and healthy chocolate sauce.


Cereal & DishesYeah, yeah, yeah, so I went BACK to Kroger and bought MORE cereal…but um can we say BEST EFFIN’ DISHES IN THE WORRRRRRLD?!?!
Those came from Big Lots by the way! 😉

Egg & Cheese Yogurt & Cereal

Two things I’ve been LIVING off of this week…cheese and egg toaster sandwiches and cereal (by the spoonful, bowlful, and handful!)


Baby Shopping

I may not be ready to have children of my own, but you better BELIEVE I’ll go crazy buying pink stuff for my soon-to-be-mama bestie!

Ruby Tuesday SaladMet previously mentioned bestie and OTHER bestie for dinner at Ruby Tuesday…that would be my salad before and AFTER I added some gorgonzola cheese (that I may or may not have brought from home! ;))


Dollar Store ShoppingDollar Store shopping with the man-friend…sorry guys, I bought neither the flashy feathery flamingo PEN?! or the sugar coma in a chocolate-covered cup…but I found both to be pretty amusing! 😉

And you know what else amuses me?


Teasing you guys even more with my man-o-mystery! 😉

Chinese BuffetChinese buffet FTIEW (for the Intuitive Eating win)…more on this later!


Asian Slaw Ingredients

Shopping my refrigerator for Asian-y ingredients…

Peanut Sesame Coleslaw

Breaking out the infamous camera-hogging chopsticks


And creating a recipe for this week’s #MMAZ ingredient!

Peanut Sesame Coleslaw 1

Say hello to my little friend coleslaw! 😉

When I started brainstorming ideas for this week’s cabbage recipe, I immediately thought of coleslaw (duh). Going off the idea of one of my favorite coleslaw recipes, I decided to add a bit more color, some Asian flare, and a little protein and I have to say I think I ended up with a winner!

Peanut Sesame Coleslaw

By: Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: Chill 2-3 hours

Keywords: raw side gluten-free cabbage Meatless Monday

Ingredients (Makes 4 sides, 2 entrees)

  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2-4* tablespoons peanut flour + 2 tablespoons water (or 2-4* tablespoons creamy peanut butter)
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon Bragg’s liquid aminos (or soy sauce)
  • 2 tablespoons agave syrup (or other preferred sweetener)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried garlic
  • 2 cups shredded cabbage
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrot
  • 1/2 medium red bell pepper, diced
  • 1/2 cup edamame, thawed from frozen
  • 3 green onions, green parts only, diced
  • sesame seeds and peanuts for garnish*If going for an entrée instead of a side, add more peanut flour or peanut butter


1. Combine vinegar through garlic in a medium-large-sized bowl and whisk well.
2. Add remaining ingredients and stir to coat.
3. Cover bowl and place in refrigerator for 2-3 hours to allow flavors to meld.
4. Serve topped with sesame seeds and peanuts.

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Peanut Sesame ColeSlaw 2

Peanut and sesame are two of my most FAVORITE flavors when it comes to Asian cuisine. They lend a sort of creamy flavor to the sweet-tartness of the traditional coleslaw mixture and goes great with the buttery edamame!

Seriously, go make this NOW!

Did you do any shopping, eating, and repeating this weekend?

What is your favorite way to enjoy cabbage?


Posted in MIMM, Shopping, Week in Review | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 59 Comments