Hey, hey and happy last day of January!
This is probably the ONLY time I’ve ever said this, but umm, FINALLY? Just looking back at some pics while I was getting this post together, I felt like the first of the year was forever ago…I mean, didn’t I make that Detox Quinoa Salad like last year or something? Oh wait, I did! 😉
So, like I mentioned last month, I really like doing my “Currently” posts each month as I feel it’s a great way to look back on the last few weeks, but this year, I’m going to make a few tweaks to make them fit a little better. Enjoy!
Current Book:
I finished up the last of the Inn BoonsBoro* trilogy last weekend…and surprised the heck out of myself when I realized it only took me three weeks to read all three books! 😀 Seriously, I was a MACHINE this month…but it’s great to finally get back to my old bookworm days! Now I’m just trying to decide what to read next. I’ve got a lot on my
to-read list, but I’ve also got a few lying around the house that I feel I should pick up. I read a few chapters of Lost & Found yesterday, but I’m not sure if I’m loving it…so we’ll see.
*I just went to link this and found out that it’s actually a REAL place!! Omg, so cool!
Current Music:
Basically everything from this post…and this song…thanks Pandora! Just TRY to tell me you can’t listen to that without whipping out the air guitar!
Current Guilty Pleasure:
Facebook stalking…which is like masturbating…no one admits to doing it…but we all know the truth! 😳
Current Nail Color:
I’ve been rocking the “Ruby Slipper” from the super thoughtful package Melissa sent me a couple of weeks ago and while I don’t normally go for dark colors, I am absolutely loving this one…now I need to find a bigger bottle!
Current Favorite Show Entertainment:
Triple B, baby! Not to be confused with my love for a certain Guy who I’d love to trade professions with! No, I’m talking blogs, books, and my latest obsession, Buzzfeed! <- read that article! Omg, I died!
Current Wish/Needs:
A shower…and breakfast! I just got back from a 5:30AM Body Pump class and while I’m TRYING to put some finishing touches on this post…my arms are shaaaaaaking SO BAD! Haha!
Current Food:
Over the last few weeks, the largest meal I’ve eaten was ONE plate at the Chinese buffet where I met Broccoli Mama and Broccoli Sister for dinner on Tuesday…lately, my meals have been more of the “snackish” variety but there’s still been room for a few of my food phases…
Why yes, those ARE Scooby Doo Puffs…with peanut flour and banana!
Turkey tortilla with Greek yogurt, salsa, and gauc…
And of course many many monkeys granola bars! 😉
Current Drink:
I couldn’t resist when I saw this on sale at Publix earlier this month…it doesn’t really taste like eggnog, but reminds me a lot of my other seasonal favorite, Sugar Cookie Sleighride! In other words, YUM!
Current Triumphs:
Running a mile! Cutting down my time on that mile! Averaging 8 hours of sleep almost every night (Benedryl induced, but still). And clocking in at TWENTY accepted Foodgawker submissions! I’m still working my way through old posts, but the hardest thing is going to be deciding on which pic to submit for my PB&J Granola in a couple of days! 😯 #foodbloggerproblems
Current Bane of Existence:
The wind, the cold, the static, my innate desire to become a human slip ‘n slide…somebody bring on the summer heat so I have something new to complain about!
Current Celebrity Blogger Crush:
I think it’s safe to say that I really love to spoon! I mean I LOVE SPOONS!
Current Indulgence:
Ok, not really an “indulgence”…I just wanted to post the pic of my Peanut Butter Pumpkin Banana Wrap again, but I have been on a healthy chocolate sauce kick again…as in I’m putting that shit on errrrythang! Honestly though, I’m proud of myself for the amount of non-food indulgences I’ve been lately…bubble baths, Victoria Secret shopping, and a little extra time primping…even if I’m just going to work!
Current Blessing:
The INCREDIBLE support of family and friends while I’ve been working to sort through some personal stuff over the last couple of weeks. Seriously, you know who you are and I cannot thank you enough!
Current Slang:
So this is totally getting the boot! After a detailed discussion with Broccoli Sister over dinner the other day, I thought I’d share the fact that “selfie”, while I am an absolute narcissist lover of the act, the word has never actually left my lips. Maybe I’m too old for slang, but every time I hear “totes magotes” I think of this. 😆
Current Outfit:
Fuzzy robe, slippers, glass of cab…it’s an accessory! 😉
Current Excitement:
After much thought and consideration (for the linings of my wallet), I decided this week that…I’M GOING TO BLEND!!!
Who’s going? Are YOU going? I know Spoons is going! AndI’msoFREAKINexcitedtofinallymeether! 😀
Current Link:
Dropbox…because never again will I cry over spilled milk lost pictures!
Current Mood:
A good night’s sleep last night and a workout before sunrise today? I’d say I’m feeling pretty damn accomplished!
What’s the last book you read?
Are you going to Blend…to meet ME?!

I’m hoping to go to Blend again but my wallet is still a little interesting…especially after last week’s car trouble. Blah… 🙁
Oh no! 🙁 Fingers crossed things work out for you, love! I would miss seeing you SO much!
So. That banana wrap. Seeing that pic after reading about masterbation brought to my attention how phallic that particular recipe is. HappyFriday!
Bahahaha! Omg…dying! 😆
I didn’t read anything after she said masturbation.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some business to take care of.
LMAO! I love you. A lot. Want to come fro a visit with Broccoli???
Yes please.
Bahahaha! Omg, I think I just peed my pants! 😆
Your current outfit sounds fabulous, accessory included 😉 I haven’t read much since I devoured the Divergent trilogy but I have a library date this weekend so hopefully I’ll find something good.
The amount of chocolate banana PB goodness that has been around here lately is insane! In the best of ways of course. Congrats on all 20 Food Gawker photos that’s an amazing accomplishment.
Aww, thanks girlie! You’re the sweetest! 😀
I had a library date this weekend too…and I realized at one moment that I wanted to read ALL THE BOOKS! Ha!
AHHHH YAY you’re going to Blend!!! Cannot wait to meet you, lady!
And the guilty pleasure thing just cracked me up :-p
Teehee! I couldn’t resist! 😉
You better prepare yourself…for the biggest hug EVER come June! 😀
Oh gosh, I want to go to Blend SO bad! I’d love to meet you!! Oh and I’m totally making your granola bars this weekend, aaaaand I can’t wait!!!!
Aww, ditto!! You are sweet as can be online…I can only imagine how much more you are in person! Maybe next year?
Ohhh, I hope you liked the bars! 😀
Wooooohooooo 20 submissions! The people at foodgawker hate me cause I’ll submit a photo a bunch of times until it’s submitted lol. They’re gonna ban me!
Haha! I do the same thing! Though I usually give up and walk away with my tail between my legs after five denials 🙁 I really need to get back into submitting to tasteologie, but I can’t even remember password! I think I’ve only got like one thing in there! Ha!
Peanut butter, pumpkin, and bananas all wrapped up in one? Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to try that. (Friended you on Goodreads – love getting “to read” suggestions from other people!)
Oh me too! I just accepted your friend request! And I have to say, I have a bit of book envy going on right now…so many I want to read! 🙂
And I will tell you right now, that wrap is pretty damn delicious…might even go as far as to say life changing! ha!
I love spoons too 🙂 Glad you get to meet her!
Your masturbation comment had me choking on my morning coffee so, thanks for that 😉
And that tea…I had high expectations for it but like you said, the eggnog flavor isn’t strong enough. Ive brewed it in milk before though and its pretty tasty that way with some extra cinnamon on top 🙂
Haha! You liked that did you? 😉 I’ve been meaning to try the tea in milk. I’ll have to do that this week sometime…and I won’t forget the cinnamon!
I am *planning* on going to Blend again! I have to triple check the finances. Making your Granola bars this weekend. I have a hankering for chocolate like no other right now. Ack! And I’m 30. That Buzzfeed hits very much close to home. -_-;
Yayyyyyyyyyy! Oh, I hope you can make it girlie! Would be great to see you again! 🙂 And I hope the bars cured that chocolate craving of yours! I’m actually eating one as we “speak”! 😀
I’m currently reading The Kite Runner, which I can’t believe I’ve never read, and Women, Food, & God. I need to get going on those actually…
Woah, you are a reading machine! I’ve had some down time to finally read and have I been enjoying it! 😀
Oy, your eats just made my hunger rise to a whole otha level!
I love reading Buzzfeed posts. 🙂
I would love to go to Blend, my my new blogger and shy self can’t seem to get the courage too. *le sigh.*
Awww, there’s no reason to be shy, babe! The first year I went, I was nervous as hell and didn’t know hardly anyone going, but I still had the time of my life! 🙂
I finally got around to reading the Hunger Games Trilogy—it was the perfect escapism to help me fight the January blahs, not to mention the holiday season “OMG why is EVERYone getting engaged” blues. I just started a new clinical job, so no trips for me right now—sounds awesome, though. Have fun!
Omg, I hear ya on that! Seems like everyone is either getting married or having a baby these days! What did you think of The Hunger Games? I really like the first book, but I have to admit that my interest started to decline after that…especially since the second one felt like it was just “filler”
Ahhhh I wish I was going to Blend! I bet you’re a blast to par-tay with. Too expensive for me at this point in my life. Buzzfeed is seriously the best. I would love to work for them one day. I’ve been taking far too many of their quizzes… I’ve discovered so far that I should actually live in Portland, be a surgeon (I think they got that wrong, I can’t take blood), have a vintage engagement ring, and should have gone to OSU. They just know things.
Haha! Their basically a bunch of geniuses, right? 😉 I got Portland too! Lol
Aww, sorry to hear you can’t make it to Blend. I know the price of plane tickets is pretty much the main reason people aren’t able to make it this year. I would love it if they could plan for next year’s retreat to be closer to the east coast!
Love that nail color! Too bad I don’t have nails…just little nubs that hold about as much polish as the tip of a toothpick. I’m thinking about going to Blend…wondering how many other non-bloggers will be there (well, technically I’m a former blogger, if that counts for anything). 🙂
It TOTALLY counts! It is SO much fun and everyone is so laid back! Good company, good food, and hey, you get a LOT of swag! 😉 You’ll love it!
Not even joking — I just got up and did a happy dance. YOU’RE GOING TO BLEND?!?!?! Day = made. I can’t believe that after crushing on you for SO LONG, I finally get to meet you. Omigosh. So excited. Can’t even handle it. EEEEE!
Ditto. Ditto. And DITTO!!! Let the countdown begin!! 😀
Hahahahahahaha I love your Facebook/masturbating analogy. You’re the greatest.
Every time I see someone post about Blend, my heart drops. I have a stupid final on June 7th, so I can’t go this year. Noooooo!
ARE YOU *(^*&%#@ SERIOUS?!?! Ok, who do I have to kill?! Ugh, I’m going to go sulk in the corner now! *wimper wimper*
And, I love you!
And, that color of nail polish looks AMAZE on you!
I really super duper want to go to Blend! I’m like 70% sure I will!
I’m so jealous of your 8 hours of sleep per night! Lately I’ve been waking up between 5-5:50 every morning… including today, when I could have slept in as long as I wanted. UGH!
70%?!?! Ok, what do I have to do to bump that up 30%? I will sing, I will dance, come on…what’s it gonna be?! 😉
And if it makes the jealously die down a bit, how about most of my sleep occurs during any and ALL parts of the day that actually involve SUNLIGHT! I go to bed as the sun is coming up…I wake up and it’s going down! Man, I cannot WAIT until daylight savings time!
So excited and wishing I could come to the Blend retreat too! It sounds like it is going to be awesome.
So good you’ve gotten back to your bookwork days. The Jodi Piccoult book I am currently trying to finish is stopping me want to read, time to ditch it and try a new book.
That nail polish colour looks great. Does it chip easily? I’m on the hunt for nail polish that doesn’t chip as soon as I put it on. I am no delicate flower so I always tend to chip it no less than 10 minutes after applying it. Oops.
Oh girl, I am the SAME way! As long as you use a good top coat, it does just fine. I might’ve forgotten to apply it to one hand the last time I did my nails and umm…I can definitely tell a difference! Oops!
I’m still not sold on Jodi Piccoult. I’ve only attempted to read one of her books, but I just couldn’t get into it…even after like 5 or 6 chapters! 🙁
I wish you could go! It would be so awesome to see you! One of these days I’m gonna have to plan a winter get away to Australia! 😀
What a random flavour of tea….crazy Americans 😉 And journey are still around? I can’t believe it. Oh snap, don’t stop believing.
The last book I (re)read was ‘It starts with Food’- I’m going to do Whole30 come March! 😀
No joke, I am going to do my damn hardest to organise my US trip to coincide with Blend. Blend needs a pimp to pump it up 😉
Heck YEAH it does!! Omg, that would be amazing to see you there!! 😀 😀 😀
Ugh if only, if only. I am DYING to go to Blend and meet you, Heather! And all of the other lovely bloggers in this community of ours for that matter. Cheers to a wonderful February <3
Umm, DITTO?!!!!!! xoxo
Last book I read was Safe Haven and it was amazing! I wish I was going to the Blend Retreat because it would be fun to bond over things like broccoli and chocolate 😉 however it is just a tad to far away from Vancouver Island than I would like.
Aww, that’s too bad, sweets! You always make my day with your heartfelt comments…it would be great to meet you in person! Maybe next year!
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I have been stocking the blend page for a while now patiently awaiting pricing!
Would LOVE to go 🙂
Yay! Cant wait to see you at blend again!